What About Greed?

I don’t want to face what the song asks me to review. What do I have that I simply wanted and didn’t really need?

FradellaAdventure_4PentaclesThis card reminds me of a song by Bernice Johnson Reagon. I heard Sweet Honey In The Rock perform it last night. The concert was amazing. If you ever have the chance to hear this accapella group, DO!

See this man grasping the coins? He’s so angry. He’s so focused on not letting anyone else have what he has. But look at the room. There’s just a wall of drawers behind him. Of course, the scene is that he’s in a bank protecting the money but to me, I see those drawers as all the things he thought he needed.

But he never uses them. They just sit there–in drawers–locked away. Just proof that he has it all. In the song “Greed”, Bernice Johnson Reagon says,

“Greed is a strain in the American Dream
Having more than you need is the essential theme.”

And isn’t that the truth?

Inventory time. What do you have that you wanted but now no longer use? I cringe when I think of what I have just in Tarot decks alone. Now I do use my decks for things like…oh, you know…this post!

But there are things I don’t need. Things that someone else might use, might read, might hang on their own wall.

Greed. It’s certainly not something I want to think about. I don’t want to face what the song asks me to review. What do I have that I simply wanted and didn’t really need?


So today I’m going to put my three minutes, those 180 seconds, to doing a mental inventory on where to start with my purging project. I need to get rid of some things.

I need to consider if I need an iPad or just want it.

What about you? What do you think about the idea of greed?

See the full song here: http://www.bernicejohnsonreagon.com/greed.shtml

4 of Pentacles, Frank Fradella Adventure Tarot, USGames

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

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