Whose Truth Is More Important?

We see that card as fighting sometimes, but it is also about competition and finding your own voice. The one who stands out against the other four is the one I find most interesting.

CaprockCanyonFeb2013BuffaloWaitToday’s card is a picture taken by my sweetie while we were on a day trip to Caprocks Canyon State Park here in Texas. He and I don’t get to see each other much so it was especially nice to have this time with him.

But back to this picture. Syzygy (the name he prefers I use to maintain his privacy) and I joked about the fact that we always see a buffalo when we go to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. It’s like they are on the clock or something and will be standing/posing right as we drive in. We didn’t see one when we got to Caprock so we wondered if they were not union. ๐Ÿ˜€

Then we see this guy all by himself. Just wandering along cropping the grass. We lost track of him when we went into the visitor’s center to pay for our entrance. On the road, I noticed him again.

We pulled over to watch and take pictures. Then we saw the herd…about 20 or more down by Lake Theo. Some were rolling in the dust while others tussled with one another. The lone bull we had seen came charging down the hill but stopped short about ten feet away.

He headbutted a few of the ones that came up to him then melded into the rest of the herd.

The whole thing–his rejoining–put me strongly in mind of the Five of Wands. We see that card as fighting sometimes, but it is also about competition and finding your own voice. The one who stands out against the other four is the one I find most interesting.

And isn’t it hard to do that. To speak your own truth even when others are against it. To put it into context, it’s like being a fan of the other team when everyone else is rooting for the home team.

It can be uncomfortable.

So today, I want you to commit to allowing someone in your life their three minutes to speak their truth without you trying to change their minds or tell them how wrong they are.

Ha! Thought I was going to ask you to use that three for yourself, didn’t you?

Not today. Today I’m asking you to give someone else that 180 seconds. Can you do it?

Rejoining The Herd, taken at Caprock Canyon State Park, February 2, 2013, Syzygy

6 thoughts on “Whose Truth Is More Important?”

  1. I had to go directly to your website because I didn’t see a link on the February Forum post you did. I’m happy to see the place you and your husband went to yesterday. I love buffalos. It’s amazing that their salvation was the guy who tinted black and white movies. Yay Ted Turner.

  2. I think I actually did this today without even realizing it. As my grandson cried, I had the sense that I just needed to let him cry, rather than try to get him to stop. I just held him gently and spoke softly. Eventually, he stopped and slept for a bit. Sometimes we just need to “fuss” a bit, no matter how young or old we are ๐Ÿ™‚

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