Here are this week’s Tarotscopes. Enjoy! Feel free to share them with your friends and family.
And, the February in-depth Podcast is available. iTunes users click here. Don’t use iTunes? Go here to listen to this free podcast for your monthly Tarotscopes.
- AQ ExAir How high will U have to climb? How thin will the branches be? Don’t worry. Explore to yr heart’s content this wk. Wander!
- PIC HPS Mysteries reveal themselves when U ask the right questions. Go w/i to find lost personal meaning. Seek the truth of yr heart.
- ARI Justice Stand for what is right. Protect those that need protecting. Don’t waste energy on those who can take care of themselves.
- TAU Lightning Hold on tight. Inspiration striking soon. May shake U to foundation. Have plan B ready. Leave the drama for yr mama.
- GEM 1Air Opening up in sweet surrender is the key to flying free. Escape yr self-imposed limits. Permission to fly not needed.
- CAN 10Air Yearning? Searching? Find others of a like mind to travel w. All travel is not physical. Spiritual self needs nurturing.
- LEO Teacher Learn to laugh at yrslf. Trick yrslf into having more fun this wk. Establish yr boundaries to include fun, please.
- VIR 10Wtr Returning to yr source necessary to fill emotional well. Not failure if U understand how things cycle. It’s all a circle.
- LIB Temperance Moderation in all things–including moderation? Changing yr energy/mindset necessary if U want to transform yr life.
- SCO 9Wtr Open up. Fill up. Joy available. Heart’s desire here. What will U welcome into yr life this wk? Make it big, darlings.
- SAG 1Fire Tango? Peaches? Sacred Sexuality? All means to a juicy, joy-filled life. Pick two and celebrate breathing this wk.
- CAP 5Air Competition isn’t necessary. U are already above that fracas. Let go of those who live by bickering. They drag U down.
Want to take a peek at the illustrations for my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook? . So excited!
I am having fun this week! How perfect is that? (Leo) I don’t think that I have much problem with that.
Moderation…theme for the week. Looking forward to it.
Let me know how it works for you. LOL