What Will You Dream Today?

One of the things I have done with this (and I’m still working on it and will be because that’s how it works) it to write down goals. Then steps to those goals. And these goals are actually HUGE dreams.

GhostsSpirits_6PentaclesToday’s card was intentionally picked. I wanted to share some of Lisa Hunt’s recent deck with you. This card really jumped out at me as I went through the deck. There are a couple of reasons for this.

First is the man’s face. He looks wise to me but also wary. There is a sense of wildness in him. The polar bear next to him seems to emerge from his fur hood. I instantly thought of the native peoples of the north–what many of us call Eskimos even though that’s not truly the tribal name. That’s like labeling all aboriginal Americans Indians. We know there are many tribes.

But I’m not here to lecture on names. I want to talk about generosity and community. When I first began reading Tarot, I was drawn to those who wrote books about it and those who created art with it. I wanted to do the former and was just blown away by the latter.

One of my lifelong goals has been to write a book about Tarot. I’m three spreads away from completing my Tarot for Writers book which thrills me. But there’s another smaller book that will be released very soon.

And it will be professionally illustrated by Lisa Hunt. I’m here to tell you I would have never thought to even ask her (or another much-loved artist) about working on my book even a year ago. But the workbook+planner I got changed that.

One of the things I have done with this (and I’m still working on it and will be because that’s how it works) it to write down goals. Then steps to those goals. And these goals are actually HUGE dreams.

Step one of “get my book illustrated by a well known Tarot artist” was “ask.”

Simple, right? But so scary! Really. What if they laughed at me?

Now I am friendly with more than a few Tarot artists online. But I only asked two about this project. I have another project that I’ve asked someone else about–that’s on the back burner just now due to my writing projects. Grin. It’s going to be an incredible year!

Back to this dream though. This card is about community and generosity. Now this is a paid job but Lisa has been so generous with her work. I wanted pencil for this book because I love the look of it. So there’s no color like in this card.

I’m rambling, aren’t I? Forgive me. πŸ˜€ I just wanted to ask you about your dreams. What do you dream about when you see your prosperous life and generous community surrounding you? Take your three minutes today, those precious 180 seconds, and let your mind create that dream.

Then write it down. What would it take to get there? I believe you can do it. I see you living in abundance and joy.

Want to get a free copy of my Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook? It’s yours when you .

The catch is that you have to get the workbook+planner by midnight tonight (1/31/2013) PST. Then contact me. I’ll send you the link.

6 of Pentacles, Ghosts And Spirits Tarot, US Games, 2011

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on.

Image used with permission by U.S. Games Systems Inc

P. to the S. A little Lisa Hunt-shaped bird tells me that she may be featuring some of the work she’s been doing for my book on her blog today. Keep your eyes peeled.

9 thoughts on “What Will You Dream Today?”

  1. That is so wonderful and how simple really just ask. After all you never know if you don’t ask. I look forward to getting your book when it comes out. My dreams, too, are huge and sometimes scary but outrageous and wonderful and it is going to be wonderful.
    Hugs and Sparkles

  2. Arwen – I’m not into Tarot cards – nothing against them – just that I haven’t explored them. However, I can identify with your dream of writing a book – I have the same dream too. Wishing you good luck with your dreams!

  3. So exciting that you have a book or two in the works………that’s a dream of mine one day too……….a dream that will one day be a reality :). That card you picked today is quite gorgeous…….love the detail and the colors……..

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