I Want Justice NOW!

Ever had the desire to stomp your foot, clench your fists and shout, “It’s not fair!”?

How did that work for you? For me? (read more)

Whimsical_11JusticeToday’s card makes me laugh. It’s a great interpretation of Justice and really brings to mind the name of this deck. It’s a very whimsical look at one side of Justice.

Ever had the desire to stomp your foot, clench your fists and shout, “It’s not fair!”?

How did that work for you? For me? Not so well. I was reminded that:

  • That’s life, kid.
  • Life’s not fair, honey.
  • Are you looking at this from their side?

Bah! I didn’t want those answers. I wanted these:

  • You’re right, Arwen.
  • Gosh, how could they say that, dear?
  • Well, that’s wrong and you are right.

Snicker. Yeah, about that…depending on the situation a mix of those statements could be correct. We always take our own side. It’s natural because that’s how we FEEL about something.

Take Goldilocks for instance. She truly didn’t think she was doing anything wrong by going into a home uninvited and using their stuff. That girl had no boundaries. And apparently no home training either.

The Bears were well within their rights to call in the cops. I mean we had a break-in in progress!

How would this story have been different if Goldi had thought the whole thing through? If she’d been polite and respected the boundaries of others?

I’m guessing we wouldn’t have had the charming teaching tale of how not to treat others and their things.

Too bad there are those who never got the lesson of boundaries and how to be respectful members of society.

But that’s not my hula hoop. I can’t control how an adult acts or reacts. I can only control my actions and my reactions to other people’s reactions.

Sometimes I’m Mama Bear who didn’t do anything. Sometimes I am forced to be Baby Bear who was the one to call Goldi on her bad behaviour.

What about you? Ever get into a situation where you were Goldi? One of the Bears?

Just for today keep in mind that your boundaries are sacred and you do get to protect them. It’s okay to invoke justice when you see an injustice.

I can only control what’s in my hula hoop but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware. πŸ˜€

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Justice, Whimsical Tarot, US Games 2000 (reprinted and available again)

Love Fairy Tales? I have a Fairy Tale Tarot Spreads eBook that’s free until 1/31. It is being illustrated by Lisa Hunt and will be for sale sometime in February.Β  http://t.co/DBS6D5W3 shows you how to get my Fairytale Tarot Spreads eBook for yourself.

11 thoughts on “I Want Justice NOW!”

  1. Haha! Wherever do you find these cards? Just too cute πŸ˜€ And about the stomping-foot bit, what you say is so true – or as I once read in an article: “If you shake your fist at life, all it will get you is tennis elbow…”

    I have definitely been in the bear’s situation. Hopefully not been Goldilocks too often, but I do have problems setting boundaries, and that acts like a magnet to people who like overstepping them… ouch. I will learn, one day πŸ™‚

  2. Most definitely. I have certainly had my bouts with wanting things done my way, that’s for sure! I want to be validated so badly when I know that I am really right about something. It almost seems that there is a direct proportional relationship to how right I am and how stubborn I am that it should be validated. I am sure this makes me a lot of fun sometimes… NOT. LOL.. but at least I can admit that I am human. I am definitely working on it!

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