Tarotscopes for 1/20-1/26/2013

Here are this week’s Tarotscopes. What are you going to do to make it a joyful week? Want some freebies to help you along?

Gaian_3discard002Here are this week’s Tarotscopes. If you like your daily horoscope, check out these weekly ones. What are you going to do to make it a joyful week?

  • AQUARIUS ExAir Time to go higher. Communication will carry yr message IF U don’t delay. Make this happen. Connect w/ those who listen.
  • PISCES 9Earth Take time to understand how much u’ve accomplished. Celebrate goals reached. Plant new seeds. U are so blessed.
  • ARIES Lightning Don’t be surprised if U get opened up spiritually this wk. Something big is moving in. Hang on tight. Ride it out.
  • TAURUS Temperance Weigh everything out. Be moderate in yr approach. Don’t overwhelm or be overwhelmed. Not a wk for HUGE actions.
  • GEMINI 8Air Who teaches U? Who do U teach? Going back to school? Do it! Just taking a refresher course will open up yr world.
  • CANCER 5F Don’t let yr temper win. Someone may be pushing yr buttons hard. Their drama is NOT in yr hula hoop. Seek joy by walking away.
  • LEO 8A Good wk for group work. Engage those who love like U. Involve like minds to dream big + start the work.Called to do more.
  • VIRGO 10W Baby love, my baby love! It’s all about relationships. Revisit old ones to learn how to navigate new ones. How do you love?
  • LIBRA 6F Time to shine. U will stand out in a good way if U remember to focus on being yrslf. Dance for yrslf. Celebrate victories.
  • SCORPIO Hermit Take some time out. Retreat from the world necessary to recharge. Allow yrslf time to study. Get outside if U can.
  • SAGITTARIUS GrAir Nurture conversation by listening. Find silence w/i U. Allow messages to arrive. Don’t cut them off. Let them be delivered.
  • CAPRICORN 3W Find time to play. Hard work is helped when U take regular breaks. Don’t be a superhero. Play. Laugh. Live. Create.

Hope your week is amazing, incredible and filled with pockets of You time! Remember that if you want a tarot reading, you can contact me to set that up.

Gaian Tarot, Llewellyn Publishing, 2011

Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on!

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