Here are this week’s Tarotscopes. If you like your daily horoscope, check out these weekly ones. What are you going to do to make it a joyful week?
- AQUARIUS ExAir Time to go higher. Communication will carry yr message IF U don’t delay. Make this happen. Connect w/ those who listen.
- PISCES 9Earth Take time to understand how much u’ve accomplished. Celebrate goals reached. Plant new seeds. U are so blessed.
- ARIES Lightning Don’t be surprised if U get opened up spiritually this wk. Something big is moving in. Hang on tight. Ride it out.
- TAURUS Temperance Weigh everything out. Be moderate in yr approach. Don’t overwhelm or be overwhelmed. Not a wk for HUGE actions.
- GEMINI 8Air Who teaches U? Who do U teach? Going back to school? Do it! Just taking a refresher course will open up yr world.
- CANCER 5F Don’t let yr temper win. Someone may be pushing yr buttons hard. Their drama is NOT in yr hula hoop. Seek joy by walking away.
- LEO 8A Good wk for group work. Engage those who love like U. Involve like minds to dream big + start the work.Called to do more.
- VIRGO 10W Baby love, my baby love! It’s all about relationships. Revisit old ones to learn how to navigate new ones. How do you love?
- LIBRA 6F Time to shine. U will stand out in a good way if U remember to focus on being yrslf. Dance for yrslf. Celebrate victories.
- SCORPIO Hermit Take some time out. Retreat from the world necessary to recharge. Allow yrslf time to study. Get outside if U can.
- SAGITTARIUS GrAir Nurture conversation by listening. Find silence w/i U. Allow messages to arrive. Don’t cut them off. Let them be delivered.
- CAPRICORN 3W Find time to play. Hard work is helped when U take regular breaks. Don’t be a superhero. Play. Laugh. Live. Create.
Hope your week is amazing, incredible and filled with pockets of You time! Remember that if you want a tarot reading, you can contact me to set that up.
Gaian Tarot, Llewellyn Publishing, 2011
Seek Joy, Y’all! Pass it on!
Thanks Arwen,
I like the prospect of relationship, communication and spiritual connection for this week.
I hope you check back next week to let me know how it went, Gordon.
Ooooo, Lightning! Sounds like an interesting week for me!
Liz, Lightning is the Tower in this deck but Joanna gives it a slightly different spin.
What a fun idea. Looks like a great week for me – says it’s my time to shine and I’m up for the challenge!
Hi Michele! I’m really enjoying your Inspired Blogging forum so far. Thanks for the invite. Shine on!
Lots of good advice, especially about temper 🙂
Linda, temper is one of my bugbears. I have a quick one that I have to just SIT on. 😀