Tarotscopes 12/20-1/5/2013

Whew! That’s another week done. Goodnight 2012. U’ve been a spectacular year. Ups, downs + whirl-me-rounds. I am grateful to U for it all.

TarotofTrees_13QueensWhew! That’s another week done. Goodnight 2012. U’ve been a spectacular year. Ups, downs + whirl-me-rounds. I am grateful to U for it all.

Have you gotten your workbook yet? Let me know. I’ll add you to the ! It’s never too late to set your goals, plan your steps and do it with other creative souls.

  • AQ 3P Coming together w/ like minds creates fusion, energy, momentum. Try not to butt heads. Joining is better than opposing now.
  • PIC Devil Time to let go of old chains. Time to release those that tie U down. Let them go. They no longer serve U. Release/Renew.
  • ARI KP The oak grows where it wants to grow. Don’t stunt yr growth. Stand firm. Stand solid. Roots go deep. Branches higher.
  • TAU KnSw Sometimes U have to cut yrslf loose. Give yrslf permission to move. Thoughts control actions not vice versa. Stay sharp!
  • GEM QP Protect yr family. Friends shelter U. May be cold now, but inner beauty really is all that! Bend if U must. U won’t break.
  • CAN KSw Yr thoughts create simple joys. Focus on the important. Home. Creativity emphasized this wk. Carpe Ferret!
  • LEO QSw Nurture yr personal creativity. May have to limit public activities due to yr need to make beautiful things. U are a beauty!
  • VIR MAG As U will it, so will it be. Focus on next yr. Set goals. Create steps. Watch people, places fall into place. Opportunity.
  • LIB 6W Dreaming? U win! All dreams come from same place. Identify place to gain victory. U achieve amazing joy this wk. Congrats!
  • SCO QC Abundant love nurtures them. Give them joy. Show them beauty. Allow them space to grow. It will all come back to U. Cherish.
  • SAG 4C It’s ok. One love feeds another until the flow is overwhelming. U haven’t lost. They’ve gained. Curl up w/ those U love.
  • CAP 10P Yr harvest is ready. Celebrate the abundance of family, home, community. Realize that U are in a perfect moment this wk.

Deck used is The Tarot of Trees by Dana Driscoll (2009)

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