Today’s card reminds me that for us to grow we must head out into deeper waters. On this day where so many of us gather with loved ones, let’s remember to deepen those relationships. Tell them how much they mean to you. Remind yourself of why you choose to love and laugh and learn with them.
Let’s not forget those who don’t have anyone or any where to go today either. Some choose that quiet time while others would rather be with loved ones but can’t. Some are working on this day to make sure things are running in case of an emergency. I hope none of us need their services today or ever, really. But here’s to all of those alone today for whatever reason.
The Ace of Cups here is a simple wish for everyone to find joy today. Find it wherever you can. Through a phone call. Through email. Through family. Through Facebook or Twitter. Through the purr or pant of a pet.
May today bring you joys you never expected. May you see joy in ways that you hadn’t thought about. I love each of you.
Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on!
Ace of Water, Gaian Tarot