- AQ 7F Multi-tasking not working so well? Focus on the hottest thing. Hammer out the details. Create something but stay focused.
- PIC 5Air Many voices. Many agendas. Stay out of the fray. Competition/Politics. Games people play. Sideline watchers win the most.
- ARI Lightning Expect flashes of brilliance amidst the storms. May not be fun at first but the eye-opening will be worth it. Hang on!
- TAU KnFire Move. Dance. Follow yr passion. Change is inevitable so U might as well move now. Break free of others’ expectations.
- GEM 3Fire Stop waiting. Quit preparing. Eschew careful planning. Go. For. It. Seek the ones who make U sing/dance/move. Jump In.
- CAN Sun U shine this wk. U rock the Casbah, darlin’! Happiness abounds because U know how to share joy. Let that happiness out & in.
- LEO 3Cn U may not see all the people U want to so make the 1’s U do see count. Happy times even when sad still count.Focus on the now.
- VIR Emp Details create beauty. Focus on yr family. Yr role as protector of what’s precious to U is important. Rule yr world, sugar.
- LIB 8Air Council time required. Communicate yr needs. If they listen, good. If not? Find a new council. Work hard at communicating.
- SCO 6W Gather w/ friends. Celebrate what holds U together. Submerge yrslf in their love to heal. Share meals, hopes, loves.
- SAG 1W Yes, honey, it’s scary to commit. There’s no growth if U won’t move into the deep water. Swim out. Growth requires it.
- CAP KAir Listen. Revisit old teachings. Prayer works if U release expectations. Communicate w/ the Universe. Visit yr elders.
Curious about what’s got me all hot and bothered lately? There’s even a Tarot spread in it. I’ll be doing that soon. 😀
8 of Air, Gaian Tarot, Llewellyn Publishing 2011