Perspective, Thieves & Focus

I didn’t want justice. I wanted revenge. I was angry that my beloveds lost their things to fools like this. Furious that someone would dare set an unwelcomed foot where people I cherish lived.

MoonPrincess_JusticeToday’s card makes me dizzy. I had to take a few moments where I turned it upside down to make sure the printer hadn’t messed this one up! It’s an unusual interpretation of this card. You have to take into consideration where this deck comes from.

It’s the Moonprincess Himiko Tarot out of Japan. I got this deck in a Tarot lot auction from Ebay. There was another deck that I really wanted (the Ukiyoe) so this was simply a bonus to me. It’s very colorful, isn’t it?

But it makes me dizzy. Seriously. My eyes try to reverse the image. My neck hurts from my imaginary craning up to see this dazzling display. I can’t figure things out.

And isn’t that how justice feels sometimes? We expect one thing but something else happens. We feel cheated. I think that may be because we actually wanted something other than rather than justice.

Today I learned that one of my family members had their home robbed. They lost valuables but their dogs were left unharmed. They themselves were not home. I posted a very violent, cruel suggestion as to what needed to happen to them.

I didn’t want justice. I wanted revenge. I was angry that my beloveds lost their things to fools like this. Furious that someone would dare set an unwelcomed foot where people I cherish lived.

Then I remembered this quote from today’s Word-A-Day email.

If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man’s life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet (1807-1882)

Ouch. A reminder to me that violence cannot be the correct response even in a case like this. Yes, I was venting. Yes, I was commiserating with my family. I understand that. But I personally can’t let myself slide. Then I go back to the violent language I’ve pledged to eradicate from my language.

Not easy. Not easy at all.

Last night I was working on my planner (yes, you can still get it. Yes, I still love it. Yes, you can still join our seeeekrit group here on Facebook when you get yours.) There’s a section of questions about what I want to do for next year in some specific areas. One of those areas was “big huge dreams” that might be so crazy out of reach it didn’t make sense to even write them down.

I wrote some down. One of those? Buy a hybrid with cash. 😀

So that’s not easy either. But I know if I am to eradicate violent language or buy a hybrid car with cash, I have to focus and work on the steps that get me there.

So I have to change my perspective about those humans who stole from my family. This Justice card makes me do that. I have to adjust my mind to see things in a different way.

I still want the thieves brought to justice, but I’m willing to forgo my original statement about slicing their balls then shooting them off.

Yeah. I told you it was a violent statement. Sorry.

By the way? I’ve got a seeeekrit code for you to use if you would like to get a really pretty, sparkly headband for your New Year’s festivities. and get yourself some Fekkai products for your hair. Scrumptious! You can get 10% off plus the pretty sparkly headband w/ a $50 purchase. Your seeeekrit code is HEADBAND. #ad #pgstocking Hope you will take a minute to check out their stuff!

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

Justice, Moonprincess Himiko Tarot, 2007

Want the planner? It’s $8.95 and you .

5 thoughts on “Perspective, Thieves & Focus”

  1. I am sorry to hear about your relatives break-in.

    Wanting vengeance is a natural thing in that situation, but not the best. I love the fact that you are seeking to remove violence from your speech.

    Thanks for sharing your insights on vengeance and justice.

  2. Arwen! You had me rolling on the floor with laughter with your comment you shared with us here! Slice/shoot….hmm, so you can assume they were men?
    On a serious note, sending some positive energy for the thieves to be caught!

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