Splashing, Waves & Ellipses

I think I’ll adopt this as today’s theme. I’m going to make some waves. I’m going to go against the flow of negative thought and speech. I’m going to focus on making joy waves today.

Today’s card is from a brand new deck geared towards young beginning Tarot readers. It’s charming. The court cards are renamed Shaman, Mage, Sage and Paige. That’s not my misspelling on that last one but because this is a children’s deck, I don’t know if that is a nod to a Paige in the artist or author’s family. I’ve sent a note off to the publisher to ask…I’ll update when I hear back.

The message of this card (randomly drawn) makes me smile. It’s such an empowering thing to be told you can make waves. Have you ever been in a situation where you were told not to make waves? Maybe literally at a pool where you got fussed at for jumping and playing and splashing?

And someone told you to stop? I have. And it sucks. I mean let’s face it. I’m a water child (Pisces) so splashing and causing water to fly is one of my most fun activities. 😀

This card with its simple purple and green coloring makes me smile. Making waves with her face so intense, our Water Sage looks like she is about to do an interpretive dance…errr…swim. She’s all dolled up including a comb of seaweed. Nothing and no one is going to stop her.

I think I’ll adopt this as today’s theme. I’m going to make some waves. I’m going to go against the flow of negative thought and speech. I’m going to focus on making joy waves today.

One thing I’m personally doing is focusing on sharing good things on my Facebook as much as possible. There’s just so much unhappiness in this world. I saw the funniest picture today and was going to share it, but the group name it was originally from was “I hate fucking cats.”


Maybe they meant to make it funny but it’s harsh and it’s mean-spirited. Like that awful site People of Wal-Mart. I loathe that site. It mocks others who are seen as “less than” by those who post and comment. I have looked at it one time and that five minutes was more than enough. Is the sight of a large woman in tight pants funny? I guess it is to some, but I’m going to choose to find other things to laugh at.

I know…how judgmental of me. I’ll have to live with that, but I will not worry about it…too much.

I’d rather worry about my rather…unnatural…love of the…ellipse.


Y’all make some waves today. Keep it positive. Keep it upbeat. Work on you. I’ll just hold on to this thought from Rob Brezny’s “Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.” Another favorite book of mine…and don’t miss yesterday’s contest! You have a few more days to comment to win.

“The revolution begins at home. If you overthrow yourself again and again, you might earn the right to help overthrow the rest of us.”

Water Sage, Elemental Tarot For Kids, Schiffer 2012

Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with BlessingsTHOSE books. Recommended.

2 thoughts on “Splashing, Waves & Ellipses”

  1. Pronoia? Oh, people are out to help me!

    I couldn’t find any images of the cards on Google, just the box. Do you have a link?

    Have a blissful day!

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