Tarotscopes for the week of 11/18-11/24
AQ 4Erth Focus on what U’ve got. Appreciate abundance. Share w/ others who are like U. Remember. Handmade beats bought always.
PIC 8Ert Learn from others. Shadow. Soak it up. Be an apprentice to the Universe. Lessons bring joy this wk. Teach others how.
ARI SUN Shine on, darling! U are center stage this wk. Expect admiration. Accept followers. Celebrate t
TAU ExWt If U want it, go for it. Pitch full heart foward. Ride the emotional crest to the safety of the shore. Move. Express. Be.
GEM GrWtr Contentment comes when U’re compassionate w/ self & others. Emotional depths don’t have to swallow U up. Reach out w/ love.
CAN 10F No, U actually can’t do it all by yrslf. Ask for help or be burned out. Not a good wk to go/go/go. Plz ask for help.
LEO 5Ert Shelter yslf. Hunker down. Storm passing. U need to go where U feel safest. Reach out to others who need that feeling too.
VIR EldAir Communication brings confidence. By opening up, U receive necessary information. Send a prayer up. Get an answer.
LIB GrAir Mind yr critical tongue. Be gentle w/ yrslf & others. Spend some time communicating yr needs. Mind especially sharp now.
SCO ChWtr Love letters aren’t always written. Hugs, smiles, KOTC all work. Communicate yr love to them. Let them know you know.
SCO 2Earth Decisions. Choices. You can do both but 1 may suffer. Balance both sides as fairly as U can. In the end? It is about U.
SAG 2Wtr Partnerships highlighted. Emotional connections need to be made, cherished, nourished. Especially w/ yrslf. Adore you.
CAP Tree U must take time for U. Reconnect w/ self. Yoga? Long run/walk? Sacrifice something in favor of yr own needs. Recharging.
Snort, yes, I did Sco twice this week. 2 of Earth was the first and Child of Water was last. So pick one. Love both. 😀
Thanks for sharing these on your page. 😀