Arguments, Choices & Swords

I think it is a good thing to be selfish as times. It can be nurturing to your inner child to know that someone is willing to be a little greedy and eat the last cookie.

Today’s card is a reminder that life can present us with hard choices. Do we do what we want? Do we do what someone else wants? How do we choose between those two things?

Toddler Arwen roars and waves her tiny T-Rex arms shouting, “ME ME ME ME!”

Adult Arwen sighs and wrings her probably-need-more-moisturizer hands, asking, “Am I being selfish?”

The Two of Swords is a very internal argument of self. Both choices have merit. I think it is a good thing to be selfish as times. It can be nurturing to your inner child to know that someone is willing to be a little greedy and eat the last cookie.

Similarly, it can be empowering to the adult self to know you have saved the last cookie for someone you love to enjoy. There is a joy in not telling them that you put the cookie back (okay, maybe I sniffed it too.)

Of course, this doesn’t really provide an answer for “which do I choose” but that’s pretty much how I read Tarot. 😀 My clients always tell me I that I helped them but left them with new questions.


I do warn folks that I tend to leave you with homework after a consultation. Tarot, for me, is introspective and self-challenging. I think you need to empower yourself by understanding WHY you make certain choices. Whether those choices are good or bad really isn’t the key ingredient. Do the choices empower you and encourage you and emphatically push you to be a better person.

That’s the real question. And, in a loop-de-loop way, it is also the answer to which choice to make, isn’t it.

Two of Swords,
The Gilded Tarot (Book and Tarot Deck Set), Llewellyn 2012

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

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