Mama, Joy & Flowers

Professional joy seekers start their day wondering how they will spot that first bit of joy.

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Today’s card is not a card. It’s a reminder that professional joy seekers don’t give up. Professional joy seekers start their day wondering how they will spot that first bit of joy. I am offering this up as encouragement for you to do this today and every day.

This hibiscus was blooming on my porch yesterday morning. I have a large pot where two small hibiscus plants are growing. I’ve had them since last year. One is red and the other was an unknown. I got such joy when I saw the vivid orange the first time.

It’s one of my favorite flowers along with the gladiola. One reason is that my mama loved the hibiscus. I smile when I see them. Because of this flower, I’ve learned that beauty can be fleeting—they fade so fast in the summer heat. This one will have more days due to the fall we are having.

So how will you answer the question “How will you seek joy today?” Feeling lost and alone? You are not. I’ll help you find that joy if you like. Message me to schedule a reading.

Just need a daily reminder? Click on the image to get to a desktop image. Right click and choose “use as background” to make this your desktop wallpaper.

Seek Joy, Y’all. Pass it on!

November 6 Hibiscus, personal photo collection, share as you like but don’t alter the image.

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