Today’s card is a reminder that we can all rise up. Each and everyone of us has the ability to rise. Some of us make that choice. Others have the choice forced on is. Some turn their faces away.
I was very shocked and saddened to learn of a tragedy in the life of someone I know. I don’t know her well, but it struck me hard about how fast life can change. I was so focused on that as I shuffled this morning.
But instead of a card of grief or loss, I get this. The One of Fire from the Fifth Tarot. A cobra rising up. Kundalini activated. Passion. Energy. Power.
If we are all capable of this creative explosive uprising, why do we not do it? Is it because it is scary to be completely activated? Is it because we don’t know what will be on the next level?
I know that’s part of it for me.
But look at this snake. See how her (or his) eye is angled up? She, Nagini, knows a secret. She understands that when she gets to that next level…when she is activated…when she has transformed?
There’s another level.
It’s a good thing, this rising up. It’s a wonderful thing to know that there is more after this. And maybe this was the perfect card after all.
One of Fire, The Fifth Tarot: Restoring the Fifth Element: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Ether, Blue Dolphin Publishing, 2008
What a moving post, Arwen! That rising up works on so many levels. May we all find the strength to rise even just a little today…