Tarotscopes 10/14 – 10/20

Today’s deck? from US Games. t I love this deck, y’all!

Feel free to share these. And I love hearing from you so let me know what you think of them. How is your week looking for you? How was last week?

  • AQ PgPent Study harder. Learn more. Work on written projects. Don’t wander too far. Stick to the subject for best results.
  • PIC 10P Successful outcome. Others approve. Ask U to share yr wealth/knowledge. Business grows. Expect success. Listen to advice.
  • ARI PW Sometimes U have to wander to learn. Write a letter to your self for 10 yrs later about where U expect to be. Get in the game.
  • TAU World Knowledge is power. Use that knowledge to move to the next thing. Understanding yr success leads to more. Accomplishment.
  • CAN 5C U have plenty left. Yr joy is in yr hands not theirs. Focus on what U have. Yr hula hoop, darling. Not theirs. Let them go.
  • GEM 6Cp Emotional responses w/o thought are for children. Revisit old friends. Learn from their success. Value what they offer.
  • LEO KnS Where are U rushing off to? Stop. Time to get a plan of action BEFORE charging in. Is it really yr battle to fight? Really?
  • VIR 4S Rest is recommended. More mental projects coming soon. Take this much needed respite. Allow yr mind space to rejuvenate.
  • LIB 4Wnds Partnerships need boundaries. Commitment requires stability. Celebrate yr hearthstone by focusing on others this wk.
  • SCO 1Wnd Growth starts at the bottom. Passion fuels it. Seed energy for starting something fun & new. Make it happen now. Fast wk.
  • SAG QSw Speak w/ authority. May have to be sharper than U like but they must listen this wk. U will need to take charge of your life.
  • CAP 5Wnd Don’t let others control U. Play by rules U know & understand. When U are pawn 4 others, it’s wrong. Games are likely.

Three of Cups, , US Games, 2012

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