Tarotscopes 9/30 – 10/6/2012

  • AQ Mag Darling, U’ve got what u need. Every tool U seek? In yr pocket already. Don’t worry about others. They are mesmerized by U.
  • PIC 2S Incisive insight into self is necessary. Don’t shy away. Cut what isn’t needed. Let go of false props. Careful. Get very real.
  • ARI KgW Who inspires U? Who brings U passion? Revisit that fire. Rekindle that love. Yr classics aren’t everyone’s but they are yrs.
  • TAU 5Pen Accept help when offered. Don’t disable yr heart just because U are being stubborn. Watch yr budget carefully. Chin up!
  • GEM Tower Whoopsie, darlings. Tie down what’s loose. Could be a bumpy ride. Change happens. Sometimes faster than you might like.
  • CAN 6W Toot yr horn, honey. U are going to get some well deserved praise this wk IF you remember to hold yr head up. Be proud of it!
  • LEO Moon Sometimes what scares U isn’t what U should fear. It’s the fear. What bad decisions do U make when scared? Please breathe.
  • VIR 3C If U must overdo it, at least overdo it w/ friends. They understand yr need to celebrate. News of good things coming soon.
  • LIB 5Sw Take care that yr focus isn’t only on U. Spread yr vision wider. Make it about the group to suceed. Inner turmoil otherwise.
  • SCO 1Wnd Time to start. Waiting only yields more blank pages. Write about not starting. Write about yr left big toe. WRITE.
  • SAG 8Sw That tied down feeling? You’re doing it to yrslf. Only U can release U. Make the decision to let go of the fear of failure.
  • CAP 8PLearn the craft well 1st. Be hands on about it. Memorize the rules. Then forget them as U create yr breakout offering.

Find your joy w/ a #tarot consultation. Feeling lost? Need hope? Book today. Contact me via the CONTACT ME tab on the far right —> 😀 Mention this post for a 10% discount (expires midnight 10/1/2012)

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