AQ Mag Darling, U’ve got what u need. Every tool U seek? In yr pocket already. Don’t worry about others. They are mesmerized by U.
PIC 2S Incisive insight into self is necessary. Don’t shy away. Cut what isn’t needed. Let go of false props. Careful. Get very real.
ARI KgW Who inspires U? Who brings U passion? Revisit that fire. Rekindle that love. Yr classics aren’t everyone’s but they are yrs.
TAU 5Pen Accept help when offered. Don’t disable yr heart just because U are being stubborn. Watch yr budget carefully. Chin up!
GEM Tower Whoopsie, darlings. Tie down what’s loose. Could be a bumpy ride. Change happens. Sometimes faster than you might like.
CAN 6W Toot yr horn, honey. U are going to get some well deserved praise this wk IF you remember to hold yr head up. Be proud of it!
LEO Moon Sometimes what scares U isn’t what U should fear. It’s the fear. What bad decisions do U make when scared? Please breathe.
VIR 3C If U must overdo it, at least overdo it w/ friends. They understand yr need to celebrate. News of good things coming soon.
LIB 5Sw Take care that yr focus isn’t only on U. Spread yr vision wider. Make it about the group to suceed. Inner turmoil otherwise.
SCO 1Wnd Time to start. Waiting only yields more blank pages. Write about not starting. Write about yr left big toe. WRITE.
SAG 8Sw That tied down feeling? You’re doing it to yrslf. Only U can release U. Make the decision to let go of the fear of failure.
CAP 8PLearn the craft well 1st. Be hands on about it. Memorize the rules. Then forget them as U create yr breakout offering.
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