Vacation1, Mary K. Greer & Memories

I’m on vacation this week so I’m bringing up some old posts to share with you while I’m gone. I have been so blessed in my Tarot community to have the opportunity to interview some amazing people! Here is my interview with the amazing Mary K. Greer from 2008.

Mary K Greer
Mary K Greer

Recently I asked one of the leading ladies of Tarot if she would mind doing an interview with me. I had this idea of doing a contest in conjunction with her interview. To my surprise, she said yes. I panicked. I knew what the contest was going to be (read to the end for more on that), but oh dear!

Um,now what, Arwen? You asked one of your heroines if you could ask her some questions. They better be good!

Read the interview.

Pssst, that contest is 4 years old so it is OVER. 😀

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