Blow, Shoes & Power

Today’s card reminds me that you blow. No really. YOU BLOW! And I’m going to tell you why if you will just keep reading. But really. Y’all all blow.

Just like this cheerful Page of Wands from Paulina Cassidy’s 2011 US Games Joie de Vivre Tarot. He has learned such a valuable lesson. Do you know what that is?

I’ll tell you. He’s learned that sometimes you have to blow your own horn. It’s okay to tell people how fabulous you are. One of the key rookie mistakes many new authors and new business owners make is that they are reluctant to tell someone how fab they are.

Consider this. Your shoe needs fixing. You go into two shops.

Shop Owner One: “Well, I can try. I mean I just opened my doors and I’m not sure I’m going to succeed.”

Show Owner Two: “Of course I can. I just opened my doors so I can show you how I think customers should be treated. You can pick it up tomorrow.”

Which one would you pick? I know which one I would pick.

It’s okay and even essential to blow your own horn a bit. And while you’re at it, help someone else blow theirs. I know…who thought I could tell you how much you blow on a Saturday, right?

But you must be your own publicist first. If you don’t believe in you, how can others be inspired to follow? If I told you, “I think you might want to find joy because, well, it’s pretty cool” instead of “Seek joy, y’all!”, which grabs you more? Which makes you believe that I really mean what I’m saying?


Here. I’ll demonstrate. ๐Ÿ˜€ I’m the life coach you want to work with when you must regain your personal power and you have to find your joy and hang on to it.

What about you? Tell me your own fabulousness! Share a link to your business page in the comments. Let others know how to find you.

Blow your own horn, darlings. I’m giving you a forum to do that today. Take advantage of it. Put your two pretty lips together and blow.

Oh, by the way? The spread in the Joie de Vivre LWB? That’s my renamed Joy Seeker spread (horn blowing).

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Page of Wands, Joie de Vivre Tarot, US Games 2011

6 thoughts on “Blow, Shoes & Power”

  1. I am an extraordinary Catalyst for Change!!!! Need some peace? I’m your gal! Want to rock the foundations of your world? Yep, that’s me!

    Also, I just did your Joy Seeker Spread and pulled some very interesting cards!

  2. My business isn’t really up and running, but I write specialty poems. Not the stock kind of stuff that can be found at Hallmark and such. I’m learning about being a life coach. I just haven’t really figured out my niche, maybe something connected to the Shaman’s path that I walk. And I’m still working on my stories. Some science fiction, some science fantasy and some just fiction with a twist.

  3. Love it, Arwen! 100% something I need to remember at all times.

    I’m the Tarot coach for you if you want down-to-earth support and spiritual oomph to help you reach your highest self!

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