Hope, Joy & Need

Today’s card is a reminder to pray. I used to shy away from the word. I mean the word “pray.” In my narrow, Christian-phobic brain, it meant something it didn’t. I’ve evolved since that time. Now I see it as an action verb meant to convey hope and joy and need. Those three don’t seem to be connected, do they?

Here our daughter of fire from the Vision Quest Tarot lifts up her sage bundle. She is praying to her Gods. The smoke carries her hopes upward. Her needs will be heard by the winds who will then move them up to the heavens.

Why does she pray? That’s always the question, isn’t it. Is she asking for herself? Is she asking for someone else? Is she simply giving thanks for the day and being alive?

Here on Facebook, a friend (insert name) has started a daily Gratitude Project. Each day we all post something we are grateful for. They have ranged from another day free of Cancer to sex and anything you can imagine. There is joy there as well as sorrow.

Do you pray every day? Do you offer up gratitude for being here? Do you celebrate at least one thing? You should. It’s healthy. It’s blessed. It’s necessary.

Do you pray for others? Some would say that’s invasive. I say that when I pray for others, I am sending it to their Higher Selves.

Prayer as a gift not a weapon is what I’m talking about. Prayer as a way of reminding yourself that you are connected somehow. And if prayer is a “hard limit” for you, then call it giving gratitude. Call it honoring your self. Call it whatever you will, but please call it.

Call it for hope.
Call it for joy.
Call it because you need it.

Give thanks. Give gratitude. Give prayers.

I’m here to help you if you can’t find your joy. Let’s seek it together. I’ll show you how to hang on to it.

Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.

Daughter of Fire, Vision Quest Tarot,U.S. Games Systems Inc (1999)

2 thoughts on “Hope, Joy & Need”

  1. I love this deck! Such beautiful colours ๐Ÿ™‚

    I used to shy away from “praying”, too. I don’t think I had the same negative connotations as you – here in the UK no-one I know would use “I’ll pray for you” as an insult (and I’ve heard it that way from folks in the States). Still, it felt silly – why would the universe want to hear from me?

    I’ve got beyond that. Prayer is good for my soul. Doesn’t really matter if there are gods or spirits “out there”, I know it helps me to define my needs and to give thanks for the good in my life ๐Ÿ™‚

    I love your trinity – hope and joy and need – that was good to think about!

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