Today’s card invariable makes me laugh. I don’t know if it is the skulls or the two headed monster gnawing on bones while reclining on a blanket. There’s just something so happy about this freaky little card.
Even the skulls look delighted to be contributing to the monster picnic. The bat up in the corner is obviously highly amused as well.
Sometimes it’s a challenge to find joy. Y’all know that I advocate looking for small things to make you happy. They pile up. Once you get in the habit of seeking joy, it sneaks up on you.
I’d love to hear how you’ve found joy lately. What’s helping you stay positive? Share your tips and tricks. Check what others say as well.
Consider today the Professional Joy Seeker’s in-service workshop. what makes you want to hang upside down and laugh like this bat? What keeps your skull grinning even when someone is trying to suck your marrow out?
This is the Sun from the Halloween Tarot from U.S. Games Systems, INC (1997, 2003)