Today’s card is not a card. It’s something I found while walking the dogs. A tree came down in my complex. No one knows why. It looks like a giant came by and just ripped this thing down in two yanks. But I wanted a piece of it because I thought it was cool looking.
How often have you done something, said something, grabbed something, joined something because it seemed like a good thing? Then, when you did the research you should have done, you found out otherwise?
This is a branch from the Honey Locust tree. That’s a bit of air fern that you see clumped up on it. But what you really need to pay attention to are the thorns. Those are about 3-4″ long. Three to four INCHES, y’all.
I learned that if the thorn breaks the skin, it can cause a nasty infection.
Well how about that. I picked something up. Brought it into my home. Intentionally.
Why would an intelligent woman grab a stick covered in thorns? Why would an intelligent human being choose to be friends withs someone who is covered in thorns?
For me, this stick represents the Ten of Swords. When we are a victim of a crime or someone else’s mental illness or inability to participate as a community person, that’s a bad thing.
We can’t prevent being victims of crime completely. But we can prevent allowing someone to be the Honey Locust branch we brought into our own home.
Who’s the Honey Locust branch in your world? Are you ready to put some gloves on to carry them outside? Will you let others know that the Honey Locust could be more than an inconvenience? Are you strong enough to let go of that Honey Locust branch?
Remember, it isn’t up to you to clear the tree (that’s the landscapers job), but it is up to you to NOT bring the dangerous things into your world.
Want to see how to get rid of your own thorny branches? Contact me today for a reading.
Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on.
Branch of a Honey Locust tree with air fern, August 6, 2012