Guts, Judgment & Mistakes

Don’t trust your gut. Arwen discusses why.

Today’s card is a reminder that sometimes it is not okay to trust my own judgment. I have to understand that my wanting to believe in the innate wisdom of my own gut is a crazy thing.

And that’s perfectly normal to believe.

It’s also really really wrong. Gotcha!

This card shows the Ffiona Morgan Daughters of the Moon (B/w version)’s Hermit. This Wise One takes her own advice. She goes her own way. She knows that sometimes that makes life a little lonely when others don’t “get” her. But she’s accepted that.

When I first accepted this about the world and myself, I became a happier woman. Was I ever wrong? Heck yeah, but I also realized that I had to accept my own responsibility in those situations.

Trusting my gut. Going my own way. Learning from my stumbles. Moving on. Releasing fear.

Those were the beginning steps for my becoming a professional joy seeker.


Seek joy, y’all. Pass it on!

The Wise One, Daughters of the Moon Tarot, Daughters of the Moon, 1984 (OOP)

11 thoughts on “Guts, Judgment & Mistakes”

  1. Interesting question: can something be wrong, yet be right for us? I think you’re saying it’s better to be true to yourself even when it doesn’t work out for the best! Next step – figuring out what my gut is actually telling me… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Hello Samantha. I think we are taught more how to not trust ourselves than to trust ourselves. This is why it can be a bit scary to trust that person in the mirror. ๐Ÿ˜€ Keep your ears open to your wisdom. I hear it’s very wise. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Ah yes, learning from our stumbles. Not easy, not always fun, but we do learn ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thanks for another inspiring post, Arwen!

  3. Totally right. Trusting your gut gives you more good advice than bad! I believe that our bodies are our barometers in life. The body tells us what we don’t want to know!

  4. Excellent point Arwen. If you’re going to make mistakes, they may as well be the ones YOU chose! I agree, once I started taking responsibility for my life, and doing it my way, I’ve been happier (and right more often too!) x

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