Tarotscopes 7/29 – 8/4/2012

Tarotscopes for 7/29 – 8/4/2012 I read with the Gaian Tarot.

  • AQ 9Air Does fear of unknown keep U at the gate? Let go of the known. Trust fall into the scary “what if”. U are protected by Spirit.
  • PIC ExWtr Emotions can overwhelm or move forward. Are U on top of them or controlled by them? It’s all in yr hands, darlings.
  • ARI Seeker What horizon needs exploring? What out-of-the-way shop calls to U? Pack an overnight bag. Take the chance. Risk it. GO.
  • TAU 7Cps Choices are always available. Commit to 1. Don’t worry about greener grass. Emotionally open up if U would be sated. CHOOSE!
  • GEM 9Wtr Heart’s desire available aisle 5. Cleanup on aisle 9. Yr choice as to which is more important. I know where I’d be heading.
  • CAN Emp Focus on home. Declutter for best results. Let go of the unnecessary (& some of the necessary isn’t). Protect yr surroundings.
  • Leo 6Earth Generosity of spirit/self necessary. Give to yr group not to get back–to renew yr spirit. Allow an open channel, please.
  • VIR Star Reached some goals? Set more. Focus on what’s next. Focus on what U have to stretch for mentally. Dream as U set new goals.
  • LIB HPS U are called to go deeper. U are called to investigate yr own inner landscape. What secrets need to revealed? kept? Let go?
  • SCO 1Air Unfurl yr wings. Stop being a caterpillar. We all KNOW Ur a butterfly. Spread yr wings. Fly. Float. Preen. It’s all good.
  • SAG Lovers Enjoy this time as U explore yrslf reflected in others. Share beauty. Allow hope. Embrace the moment. Even bees get busy.
  • CAP Death Something must change. Fight it. Allow it. Doesn’t matter. It will be different. Try embracing it. Live through the pain.

The secret to being a pro joy seeker? It piles up. It accumulates.

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