Today we are off to visit popular author Corrine Kenner’s blog. Shuffle | The Tarot Reader’s Blog may not have a dazzling layout but it has superior information. You can find tips for writers as well as intriguing events that Kenner is involved in.
Kenner hosts her local Tarot meetup in Minnesota where she focuses on the aspect of writing and Tarot. As y’all know, that’s something I’ve been fascinated with for several years as well. She’s currently working on a book called “Tarot For Writers” and I can’t wait to see it! I know it will be full of valuable information. She actually took my workshop back in 2005. Fabulous person!
One of her recent blog entries detailed setting up a living Celtic Cross. Having done this with Barbara Hand Clow for an astrological chart, I was fascinated to see this done with Tarot. I know I came away with a whole new view on how an astrological chart works in terms of trines and squares etc. I can only imagine how much fun this must have been for the participants.
Kenner’s writing style is very straightforward and she sticks more to the tarot than to personal outpourings. I tend to prefer the personal type blogs simply because I feel more of a connection with the personal ones. But that doesn’t mean Kenner’s blog is without personality! Far from it in fact.
In one entry she shares two promo photos asking her readers “How Do I Look” and jokes about one showing her in bed (she’s actually surrounded by Tarot cards). I think you can get a sense of Kenner’s professionalism from her blog.
I encourage you to check out Shuffle | The Tarot Reader’s Blog and tell her Arwen sent you.
I recently visited Corrine’s site and saw that beautiful picture of a living Celtic Cross too. I read the article and enjoyed it as well. Thanks for sharing it again, Arwen!
Aurora, CO