Today’s card is a pretty one. It always makes me so happy to see. Not just because it has one of my favorite stones in it, but because it reminds me that one of the strongest responses to anger is compassion.
That seems strange and is probably counterintuitive, but bear with me a minute. I work in the field of tech support so when people call me, they are generally already cranky. I mean their computer is not working the way it should. Imagine how you react when your computer or your car or your phone or anything you depend on just doesn’t work. And there’s nothing you can do to fix it.
It’s frustrating. It raises most people’s blood pressure. It flat out makes us mad. And when you have to actually call for help? Well, let’s just say that a good 75% of those who contact me are already ticked off about the system being down and having to call for help just makes it worse.
I have learned that if I empathize with them and let them know that I *get* why they are frustrated, it helps. Most angry people just want someone to listen to them. They just need to express that emotion.
Rose quartz, the stone shown in this card, is the stone of love and compassion. I often have more than one piece on me to give away. It’s a good stone for friendship and platonic love.
So today, if you come across an angry person, try to let them know that you hear them. Don’t take it personally (even if they are making you the fall guy.) Let it roll off your back. Remember that the only emotions that can get in your hula hoop are the ones you allow in.
And if you, like me today, are struggling with issues of irritability and unresolved poopiness, try to find someone who will listen to you. Just remember that you don’t have to make the whole world angry with you (or worse, at you). If it comes down to it, find a quiet spot where you can release that mad.
Heads up, darlings! Mercury Retrograde is coming (7/14). I find that I get crankier during this time. You may or may not. I like to try to stay aware of this time so I can remember to keep my own cranky in my own hula hoop. Like I said, grin, the only emotions in my hula hoop are the ones I allow there! Ha!
Six of Stones, Fifth Tarot
Seek joy, y’all! Pass it on.
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Ha ha, issues of “unresolved poopiness” – love it! Think I’ve got some of that going on today, too. As for Mercury Retrograde, it seems to have come early to my scanner :grrr:
Grin. I know. “Unresolved poopiness” just seemed appropriate. I was a bear this weekend! My honey sweetly asked me to remove the stick that was lodged up my butt. Hmmph!