Tarotscopes: July 8 – July 14, 2012

This week’s Tarotscopes: July 8 – July 14, 2012. Yes, please share them.

  • AQ PgEarth Give into need to build business. Allow yrslf to explore ways to get more. Productivity comes from simple discoveries.
  • PIC 3Water #SeekJoy, y’all. Play. Have some fun. Do things that celebrate friendships. Laugh. Dive into joy. Chase yr bliss.
  • ARI 9Air What calls U (or who?) Are U listening? Are yr ears plugged? Anxieties caused by NOT paying attention. Stop that. Listen up.
  • TAU 8Air How can yr life experiences be shared? Who will listen? Find them. Listen to theirs first. Then share. U must share to grow.
  • GEM 6Fire Time to dance. Time to move. Stagnated? Move yr butt. Listen to music only U can hear. Just move yr heart, please.
  • CAN KEarth What U started, U must see it through to the end, bitter or not. Nurture yrslf so U can nurture all. Focus on the product.
  • LEO SUN Yr chance to shine is at hand. Don’t deny yr shadows but do show off good side. Others look to U for growth. Share the heat.
  • VIR KnEarth Movement may be slow, but it is forward. Focus on new growth. Don’t worry about progress so much as productivity.
  • LIB KFire Face that fear. Look it in the eye. Deny them their power over U. Use passion to transition to the next stage. Seek help.
  • SCO 6Air Gather others. Ask for what U need. Teamwork brings best results. Not a wk to go it along, Scorp. Who can U gather to u?
  • SAG 5Air Rise above the gossip. Soar by not getting involved in the petty competitiveness. Office/friend drama could clip yr wings.
  • CAP 4Air Shhh. Don’t give it away. Sit on those ideas another wk. Let them incubate more. Don’t endanger the whole thing by sharing.

Learn to read the Tarot intuitively. https://tarotbyarwen.com/. ign up for my newsletter to get my free book. Seek joy, y’all!

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