There’s a tarot consultant who has unknowingly changed my vocabulary and my world. I first virtually met him a year or two ago (I have a poor concept of linear time.) He is the first person I am aware of who made a conscious distinction between tarot reader and tarot consultant.
His newsletter “The Six-Rayed Star” constantly informs and amazes me with the depth of feeling he conveys. His blog began in April of this year with a post called “Helpful Tarot Reading Tip #1” which is a brief post on how you could interpret the Minor Arcana. His formula at the end succinctly wraps things up.
I am talking about the Toronto man himself–James Wells. His bio on his blog states,
JAMES WELLS is a Toronto-based consultant, teacher, and facilitator who is dedicated to merging soul and strategy, making ancient wisdom ways relevant to 21st century life. Through tools and processes such as tarot, reiki, journal writing, and council circle, he and his clients and students are inspired to remember who they really are — whole! In his “me time”, James enjoys reading, writing, music, walking, and good food.
While not a prolific blogger, Wells offers so much to his readers. One of my favorite blog posts of his was about finding a bird.
from June 3, 2008 Later on, I wondered if we did the right thing. Then a phrase from Christina Baldwin’s The Seven Whispers came to mind: “Ask for what you need and offer what you can.” We offered what we could.
He took a moment that many of us have participating in and turned it into a moment of introspection and a very useful spread. He is a gifted, natural teacher who transforms ordinary moments into tools to reach deep into our psyche. I truly admire his ability to do this.
You can also find him obliquely discussing his work with his clients. He never reveals them by any descriptions. One post talked about a follow up session with a client where they discussed “the topic of expressing her innate divinity.” He shares the spread from that session. Some of the question include:
from August 22, 2008
- What is the true nature of my innate divinity?
- What first step(s) can I take to help me express that innate divinity?
- What resources can assist me with that first step?
That spread has a total of seven questions. I encourage you to explore this and the other spreads in Wells blog. And join me as a subscriber. Visit James Wells’ Evolutionary Tarot and tell him Arwen sent you.