She pulls cards that are familiar but her take on them can be amazingly different. Take for instance her words on the Queen of Wands:
From August 29 The Queen is the reminder that you’ve got what it takes, baby. Don’t let anyone put you in a corner of self-doubt. Your offering to the world is welcome and blessed. Even if there are voices that might make you doubt to the center of your being, they are acting only out of their own fear. Your creative output is the stuff of Eternity and Eternal Grace. Never, ever stop creating.
Nyx offers these meditations as a part of her services. I was really surprised when I saw how affordable these meditations are. For five dollars she will do a personalized meditation just for you. If I were you, I’d consider doing this. Here is a quote from an entry on Karma that just blew me away.
If this is a truth you share, then this statement means that we create our own karma. We bring about the actions to make it so. If you have been taught that you are unworthy of Divine Love in any way, shape or form, you must release these thoughts to create your karmic balance. You cannot create love, peace, prosperity or any kind of abundance in your life as long as you hold onto these thoughts of unworthiness. Your endeavors will follow your karmic belief pattern and you will be separate from your divinity.
One thing Nyxadora does very well is the use of tags. You can find things easily on her blog. The librarian-wannabe in me is appeased by good tags. It’s essential to good blogging to utilize tags so folks can find related posts easily. For instance, you can click on “Other Blogs” in my tags below and see who else I’ve visited in the past four months.
Here is an affirmation from a post regarding the Moon card.
“My fears are no less beautiful than my hopes and dreams as they teach me lessons I might not otherwise learn. I release my fears when they no longer serve me.”
I can’t say enough how much I love Nyxadora’s positive approach to things. She doesn’t avoid the negative. Instead she acknowledges it as she encourages you to learn from all things in life.
I hope you will stop by Nxyadora’s blog for a visit. Do tell her Arwen sent you.