Glitter, Stick Ponies & Paint

In my secret heart, there’s an artist who wants to be let out in a room full of paper. There needs to be scissors and glue sticks and beads and glitter. Feathers would be nice too. She wants crayons and markers and colored pencils along with chalk. Maybe even paint.

That artist wants to make beautiful things. I see so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I weep inside because I can’t really create it even though I can write it, you know? I can make you see, feel, taste and even hear when I am writing “in the zone.” But to create visual beauty? sigh. That’s something I’m afraid to try.

So, grin, I’m going to take advantage of my year-long membership and take the Creative Goddess Workshop. I paid my $99 and have a full year to dive into all these courses that Leonie offers. I am going to let my stick figures ride stick ponies all over my pages. And I’m going to give myself permission to let them roam if they like.

You know I’ve chatted a bit about the business course part. I am not inclined to take courses like this, but for whatever reason, this one hit me at the right time. And it’s made a difference. I joined for the five week Business Goddess course but have branched out to the Radiant Goddess one as well. All because I plunked down $99 bucks about a month ago.

And now? I can take all the courses I want for the next year and I’m locked in at the $99 pricing too. That’s good because on July 3 it goes up to $199 (which is still a steal from all I’ve gotten). But that probably would have made me say, “Thank you but no” to Leonie Dawson.

I’m so glad I didn’t. Now…about that inner artist I have. Do you think I’ll look good with paint on my nose?

9 thoughts on “Glitter, Stick Ponies & Paint”

  1. I think you’ll look great with paint on your nose! And I hope you’ll share some of your creativity with us. I’ve been doing more crafty stuff of late, even though I’m not talented at it, and it’s definitely given me a new impetus in both creativity and spirituality πŸ™‚

  2. Creating art is one of my next challenges I’m eager to tackle. I’m not very talented with the paintbrush, so I’m hoping for some inspiration from Leonie’s course over the coming months πŸ˜‰

    Hey, we’ll be exchanging ideas and our first attempts soon πŸ˜‰ x

    1. Thanks, Chloe! πŸ™‚ I just want to give myself permission to play!
      Christiane, I look forward to seeing what you come up with! Who knows…a new Tarot deck? πŸ˜€

  3. Snap! I just got a load of new pens and crayons the other day, as well as a brand new Book of Shadows. Visual arts take me far outside my comfort zone but I’m craving it right now so I’m going with the flow. I’ll be checking out the Creative Goddess course when I get a chance. I bet it rocks! πŸ™‚

  4. I’m really looking forward to doing the Creative Goddess course – I started it earlier in the year, but never quite managed to get past the first week, and I’d love to go back and give it another go.

    I’m also SO much more a writer than I am a visual artist… but I love the idea of just playing and seeing what happens πŸ™‚

    1. YAY Lisa for new crayons! πŸ˜€
      Tanja, I hear you! It’s a bit intimidating for me. Maybe we can start a small group for “writers who can’t draw stick ponies”. πŸ˜€

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