This poem was published in 2008 to the Bellaonline Mused publication. The editor even mentioned it in her letter in the publication. It seems there was discussion about whether this poem was a poem or a narrative or what. 😀 They finally agreed that it was a poem. I think my style of poetry tends to be narrative with a very visceral rhythm. What do you think?
This is using my 9Words method. You take nine random words then write a poem containing those words. It is one way of opening up your Muse.
9Words: Bottle Purple White Empty Full Contain Owner Detail Black
Title: Shellin’ Peas
Sittin’ on Nana’s front porch.
White rocking chairs a bowl
Shellin’ purple-hull peas.
She’s full of tall tales
Of being a black child
In a white man’s world.
Takes a sip from the bottle,
Smilin’ ’bout how now
Coke doesn’t taste the same.
Then she laughs at me
“Child,watch the details.”
And picks a pod out of the peas.
She gets kinda quiet.
Eyes caught by the distance.
Takes a drag off her smoke.
“You know my mama’s mama
Done bought this land.
Her owner said it was hers
But like most men like that
The details contain the truth.
‘Cause what he meant to say
Was the land was his.
Lawd lawd lawd his suprise
When mama pulled out the cash.
Said she and her kin meant
To grow greens and peas here.”
Sittin’ on Nana’s front porch.
Shellin’ peas washing kale,
Wishin I hadn’t been born
To the enemy of her folk.
She reaches down to pat me
Laughing through her cigarette.
“Child, it’s all just details.
Cause you know I love you
Just like you love me.”
She rocked back in that old chair
Eyes caught by the distance.
Murmuring soft and low just for me
“Child, it’s all just details.”
Stephanie Arwen Lynch
Punctuation added 6/7/2012. Huh. I just realized this poem is almost five years old. It’s still a favorite of mine.
Here’s an easy-peasy (yep, I went there!) recipe for you.
I got the picture from Blue Yonder who happens to be just east of me here in Texas. I love Google!
A former version of this poem exists on this blog as well. This is an updated version.
Ha, folks and their fussin’ over what’s what and how to pigeon hole people and poems. This is just lovely, Arwen!
Thank you so much. It did amuse me that it made the editor’s letter. 😀