I like three card spread. I like three card spreads where you have the issue as the middle card and then two possibilities. I’ve done spreads like this for longer than I care to remember.
There is a situation in my life in which I have chosen silence as my response. I imagine myself in my Fortress of Solitude where I can just do my job and be good at it. I can pull down my window shades to avoid the ugly in the world.
Every now and again I am challenged by another outbreak of the same ugly. As before, I am turning to Tarot to ask what to do. Only this time, I’m asking you to intepret for me.
Β Using the adorable Rabbit Tarot by Nakisha VanderHoeven, I pulled three cards.
The situation as it stands now is the Page of Carrots. Carrots are the Swords suit.
The benefit of staying silent shows up as the ever-so-cheerful looking Ace of Daisies. Daisies are the Coin suit.
The benefit of speaking out is the Hanged Rabbit.
I know what I would divine from this reading but what do you see for me? What is your advice?
Caveats: No naming of names in case you think you know what this is about or want to guess who is involved. Please respect this. Thanks.
I’ve deleted all of my commentary including what I felt when I saw the cards.Β So have at! π And, will you be joining us for our month-long Tarot for Writers Adventure in June?
Page of Carrots – he is associated with telling tales and gossip, speaking out of turn etc. But not always out of malice, just because he’s learning his Swords suit ropes π
The benefit of staying silent is, I feel, that the ‘mundane’ side of life can roll on unhindered. There may even be some benefit to you further down the line if you stay silent now? Since daisies (Pents) are associated with health, wealth and hearth – it could be a financial benefit, a health benefit (less stress?!) or a home benefit.
The benefit of speaking out – bear in mind that there is more than one way to skin a rabbit (eek, bad choice of phrase!) and that there may be a way of speaking out that does not require you to Go To War.
The Hanged Man is also about going with the flow and not resisting what is happening – so maybe you’d find yourself in the majority if you spoke out?
Who knows?! But even as you read what I wrote – you know in the cleft of yourself what you’re actually going to do π
I see the Page of Carrots (current situation), as you recognizing the fire still blazing within you, and watching it curiously. You aren’t moved to action, but neither have you dropped the issue. Even using the symbolism of the carrot itself … it’s buried beneath the ground; but still there.
If you stay quiet, Ace of Daisies, the situation will move on. New issues/situations will overtake it in the forefront of people’s minds, and it will be forgotten. (But will the flame inside of you go away?)
Speaking up, the Hanged Man, challenges you to a new perspective. If you speak up, you will likely get caught in a little snare that makes your perspective flip over. As in: you may have to eat your words (or carrot, as it were π
Obnoxious news? Probably – but with the Major cards it always comes with a promise of growth and progress on your spiritual path. So it is perhaps the harder path, but it will take you higher.
(I’m curious now to see what you concluded!)
I would interpret this reading as: you know the truth and the history of the situation but your life would be ever so much happier if you stayed out of it, but if you get in the middle, you will reap the fallout. You can be right but you’ll still end up in the wrong.
Bwahahahaha, Trudy. Your last statement is SOOOO right in this situation. π
As I look at the cards, right off the bat I say, your name is Bennit, you ain’t in it! Nothing good seems like it could come from you speaking your mind at this time. And I like how you chose an soft, gentle deck for a question that pertains to something so very ugly. Here’s my take on your question:
Page of Carrots – This says to me that the situation as it stands has to do with harsh words or a sharp tongue, very painful communication. The Page of Swords is not one known for tact. If I were to see you as the Pg of Sw, I’d say he is known for speaking his truth clearly based on logic and facts and making no apologies for it. You know the cold hard truth of it all, but I am not seeing where making a stand would be a good idea at this time. The bunny is black and white and the two carrots are in opposing directions. I read that as being you, someone else, or two strongly opposing sides see an issue in very black and white terms, no middle ground. The mountains say to me that there are huge obstacles that that occurred that would be daunting at best if not just impossible for this little bunny to have to cross. Surely he would be injured in the process. The flag is white. Maybe you are the little bunny trying to see both “carrots” (sides of the situation) and wave the white flag? But the flag is as big as the bunny! This looks like too much for him to take on when I see the other cards/positions.
Silence: Ace of Daisies- This white rabbit is taking time to smell the flowers, focusing of beauty and growth with his prayerful little bunny hands. Perhaps asking the Goddess for guidance? But he is looking upward, and he is kind of secluded, hidden in the safety of the tall grasses on a glorious sunny day. Maybe a new opportunity will present itself for leaving his sanctuary he has found and for interacting with others. Looking at the other cards, even thought this Ace is upright, I say not now. This is a new opportunity for you to choose to seek the joy of your own healthy garden that is not sullied with a bunch of ugliness and crap. This bunny is slinging daisies, not mud.
Speaking Out – The Hanging Bunny – Now this poor white rabbit was skipping along, trying not to fall down the rabbit hole or pop any pills, neither red nor blue. But he got caught in a cruel trap that must have been set with the intention of tripping up bunnies and watching them squirm for fun or personal gain to be later eaten up. A trap from which it seems he cannot escape. The more he moves, the tighter the noose gets. He is in quite the predicament and no one is there to help him. Now I’m more than sure all the other bunnies he knows who love and respect him would be there to help if they could, but this fella is on his own. That is how the trap was designed. That dark shadow on the ground feels foreboding. And the noose is around his ankle: he has hung himself and his Achilles heel has been found. I think speaking out at this time would leave you exposed and vulnerable in some way.
Elementally I read it as Air/Earth/Water, so Air is the central card. Again, I hear the word “mud”when I think of the earth and water. I also saw a very specific family situation that occurred once where my mother had to say “you can’t get blood from a stone because it is heartless.” And air and earth say a whole lot of force exerted but no ground is gained. An immovable obstacle. The winds of communication stopped cold.
Honey you can’t win for loosin’ in this situation. To me, your cards say keep your bunny in the grass.
You know how I hear music when I read. May I suggest listening to/reading all of the lyrics to “Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence + The Machine
“This is a gift it comes with a price
Who is the lamb and who is the knife”
Thank you, Krysten. You gave me some really interesting insights around the Hanged Rabbit most specifically. π
yes, that was a great, insightful reading, Krysten
Thanks Trudy π
Thank you Arwen, I’m so glad I could be helpful. π xox