April 2012 Tarotscope

Welcome, fools! What? No fools among you? Well okay then! I’ll be the fool. I love love love April Fool’s Day and have pulled some pretty fun pranks. Well fun to me. I do have have some friends who do not like this day.

One of my best pranks was on LiveJournal when I announced that I was giving away all of my Tarot decks as well as any of my Pagan books because I’d found Jesus. 😀 Darn friends. Majority of them pounced on me to get my books not to talk me out of a possibly rash decision.

Truth be know, I believe Jesus was a pretty righteous fella. He was about love and doing good and not hating on one another. I have found that there are more than one type of Christian out there. The ones that blame and hate and accuse? Not so much my cuppa, you know? I don’t see any way as a better way. I see each way as “what works” ways. 🙂

Any ways…lol. On to the subject at hand! Here is your April Tarotscope podcast. Specials this month include the 6 Month Reading at 23% off making it only $50 this month. And for the creative types, you can have your unpublished character’s reading done for only $25 instead of $35. This one isn’t even listed yet so you can email me with any questions.

Go here to listen to this month’s podcast. As always, I’d love to hear about last month and your thoughts on this month. And please, if you would like to help me keep these podcasts going, you can use the Donate button on the Tarotscopes page. It’s on the right column under Donate. You change the amount to whatever amount works for you. Much appreciated!

Seek joy, y’all.

Fool from the Paulina Tarot. Copyright 2011 U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited

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