One of my respected Tarot colleagues, Carolyn Cushing, has been doing a series of guided visualizations. Due to inconvenient working hours (mine!), I was only able to participate in a few. She’s redoing some fo them now to offer them on a website. You can be a part of the process. Here’s her blog post from today.
What better way to celebrate April Fool’s Day than with the Tarot? As you know, since September I have been leading guided visualizations into the Major Arcana and now am preparing a website to share them (ready by the end of April) but I want to re-record some meditations so I am do 4 of them on Sunday. You are invited to join in via conference call (no cost). Here is the schedule:
Sunday, 4/1, at 1pm ET: The High Priestess
Sunday, 4/1, at 3pm ET: The Emperor
Sunday, 4/1, at 5pm ET: Strength
Sunday, 4/1 at 9pm ET: The Hermit
A couple of minutes before the hour dial into (559) 546-1000 and use passcode 811347# when prompted.
I’d love to know if you are coming. You can reply below or send me an e-mail: carolyn [at] artofchangetarot [dot] com.
And there is nothing at 7pm so you can listen into !
[Note: This is The Fool from the Rider-Waite-Smith ® US Games Systems, Used with permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.]
I hope you will take advantage of this amazing opportunity to indulge in some Tarot meditations. I won’t be able to since I am teaching the second class in my Intuitive Tarot with Arwen tomorrow. C’est la vie!