Continuing on with the Ostara spreads from the Tarot Blog Hop, I move to one that addresses Spring cleaning on a personal level. Donnaleigh’s Clutter Spread tackles not only what energetic clutter can do but also what you might be missing by hanging on to it. So I thought I would turn to the next deck in my stack of “those that need to be reviewed.” I still have to actually write reviews for the Mary-El and the Rosetta.
But now I need to delve into the Simply Deep Tarot by Chanel Bayless and James Battersby. I’m also going to use their LWB for some insights. I do this when I need to step away from my own assumptions. Funny right? Since I’m going to be teaching a class here in Austin starting this weekend on how to use your intuition!
Donnaleigh’s Clutter Spread
1. Who or what CLUTTERS my world? 9 of Pentacles represents etiquette, refinement, self-control. It talks about being overly self-reliant and missing out on some social opportunities.
I know who this is. They are always dreaming about the next step of life and very good about saving towards it. But due to some other issues, we are proving to be not suited to one another. Could I be anymore obtuse? LOL
2. What POSTIVE EXPERIENCE does this PREVENT me from living fully? 2 of Cups is commitment, union and intimacy. It speaks of a mutually committed, supportive relationship.
Um ouch? For a first time use of this deck, it’s using a bit of a heavy hand. LOL. So basically that 9 of Pentacle person is preventing me from a mutually committed relationship complete with intimacy?
3. What BETTER ENERGY would enter if I were to PRUNE this excess? 2 of Wands is travel, sculpt, mold. Everything is formed as a result of initiated energy.
I’m struggling here with the given interpretation. I see this as a creative initiative and I have been stunted creatively for over a year. I have not published any new novels as Marilu Mann even though my writing partner and I have bee working. We just haven’t submitted! So by removing this person cluttering my world, I would have more energy for creating. That makes sense.
4. So, Tarot, tell me: What is the BEST WAY TO ACTIVATE the Spring Cleaning process? 5 of Wands is confusion, competition, conflict. Get your energy under control. Remove clutter.
Wow. So basically stop asking and start doing, eh, Yoda? Then, in a day filled with synchronicity, I open up an email and see this quote.
“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”— Hans Hofmann
So while I remain cryptic (or as cryptic as I can), I can just say that the Universe hit me with a lot of synchronicity tonight. Another reader got the same four cards (from the same deck) for a different issue. The messages of the cards are very very direct.
Let me end with these two quotes for no better reason than they made me smile.
“You can’t have a perfect day without doing something for someone who’ll never be able to repay you.” John Wooden
“We cannot predict the results of healing, either our own or the world around us. We need to act for the sake of a redemption that will be a mystery until it unfolds before us.” Rachel Pollack
I got them from Rob Brezny’s weekly email. It rocks my world.