REVIEW: Tarot for Magical Times

So states Rachel Pollack in her new book, Tarot for Magical Times. With insights from Johannes Fiebig & Ernst Ott, she explores a way to utilize the Tarot as a lens to view larger, societally-significant issues. Starting with the 9/11 fall of the World Trade Center, Pollack and Fiebig offer their insights on how this may have started showing up as early as August of that year.

Tarot for Magical Times
Rachel Pollack, Johannes Fiebig
U.S. Games Systems, Inc. 2011
ISBN 978-1-57281-720-3

“In this new approach I am suggesting, the Major Arcana represent the large outline of the fall of one world, one reality, and the spiritual liberation that will follow. The Minor Arcana, the four suits, show us different approaches to the hard task of surviving the fall, and building up a new society.”

So states Rachel Pollack in her new book, Tarot for Magical Times. With insights from Johannes Fiebig & Ernst Ott, she explores a way to utilize the Tarot as a lens to view larger, societally-significant issues. Starting with the 9/11 fall of the World Trade Center, Pollack and Fiebig offer their insights on how this may have started showing up as early as August of that year.

I liked the break down of the Tarot aspect from Pollack and the Astrological from Fiebig. It was well delineated for me. Fiebig’s astrological input really took this book over the top for me because I feel I have a weakness in that area.

Physically, this is a gorgeous little book that offers photos as well as tarot images which help cement the concepts particularly well in the astrological portion. Don’t be fooled by the slim profile. There is a ton of information packed in these pages.

I got as much from the foreword of this book as I did from the book itself. In fact, it sparked a spread design called Wind of Change. I know I will refer to this book for the astrological decans as much as the retooling of the meanings as they apply to larger events.


One thought on “REVIEW: Tarot for Magical Times”

  1. Can’t wait for this to come out on this side of the Pond! I’m not too hot on astrology, either, but it’s Rachel Pollack’s perspective that really calls to me… 🙂

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