Gwenyth, Radio & George Takei

I’d like to take this opportunity to blame Mary Nale for everything I do or say wrong. I will forget an important name. I will stumble over some common word. I will mix some down-to-earth analogy up. It’s how I roll. Even though I know I’m perfect. HA!

I’m going to be live on the radio today from 3pm- 5pm CST which is 9pm-11pm UTC. I’m so proud of myself for my mad math skillz. 😀

Here is their blurb: …to Listen & Join us in the Chat Room! SHOW TIMES: 1pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern/ 9pm UK Want to get right on? Make a Donation to support the Show and let us know in chat – No Waiting! Click here then let the host know when you call in.

That number is (347) 637-3372

I’d like to take this opportunity to blame Mary Nale for everything I do or say wrong. I will forget an important name. I will stumble over some common word. I will mix some down-to-earth analogy up. It’s how I roll. Even though I know I’m perfect. HA!

But do tune in to hear about Amethyst Mahoney‘s fabulous Valentine’s Day giveaway that involves a whole slew of Tarot-based goodies.

Vote for me. I’m running for President of the American Tarot Association again. I am Arwen and I approve this message. 😀

Now for some randomness:

Overheard at work: That’s how I like it. In and out.

I bought George Takei’s new ringtone. Have you? Oh My! Google it. LOL

I am a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow, but this interview just sealed the deal. My sister turned me on to Goop which is GP’s brainchild. Go. Subscribe.

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