When the wind of change is blowing, some people build walls, the others windmills. ~Chinese Proverb
I saw this Chinese proverb in a book I am reading for review purposes. It really struck me.
Change is something we all face–day in, day out. Someone is changing something somewhere. A hard and fast rule is being turned upside down. A policy at your place of work is being rewritten by someone at least two pay grades above you who has no clue how to do what you do. A road that you use in your daily commute is being closed for the next week so the municipality can redo the curbs. Your partner has decided they would be happier raising chickens instead of being an investment banker.
It’s a’comin’. And you can’t get out of the way. More importantly, you can’t control the change. You can only control yourself. I could go off on a riff about how you can’t change anything but yourself including the humans around you, but I’ll resist that urge. I’ll stay in my hula hoop. Can you stay in yours?
Quit trying to change the subject! The important thing here is that how we face change can define us in some very basic ways. Like the two infants in the Gaian Tarot Two of Earth, we can have an unholy meltdown that involves screaming, kicking and possibly peeing ourselves. Or we can be calm and courageous.
Either way, the outcome is the same. Change. It’s a’comin’. So I thought it might be nice to have a spread to help with this.
Wind of Change Spread
We will start with three cards. Shuffle and cut in the way that makes sense to you. Card One goes in the center. That’s the wind of changing blowing your way. Card Two goes to the left. That’s the Wall. Card Three on the right is the Windmill.
A Wall blocks the wind. A Windmill works with it to create something else. So look first at the center card. What does it make you think of? Let your gut make the call.
Now look at the Wall. Again, let your intuitive self shout out here. What do you see as the biggest obstacle? Consider this as the card that expresses you at your most stubborn, inner donkey moment.
Last, turn over your Windmill. Here is your most adaptable, creative self. How can this card entice you away from that donkey self? What do you have to do to face the change in card one to make the most of this inevitability? What can you transform this change into?
As always, I would love to see your take on this spread. I’ll post mine in a day or so.
OH, I like this. Will definitely try it out.
Merry Christmas,
Hi Arwen,
I think this is a great little spread! As you can see from the blogger feed, I’ve just given it a whirl ;D Looking forward to seeing what you make of it, too! Just perfect for the start of a New Year…
Thanks for all your creativity and inspiration 🙂
Lovely newsletter and spread. I look forward to trying the spread in the next few days. Three cards, simple and to the point. Powerful inspiration I am sure. Thanks Arwen
Vesta, thank you. I’d love to hear how this goes for you.
I used this spread for a reading for myself and shared it with my blog readers… wanted you to know! It’s wonderful, thankyou so much!