REVIEW: Tarot Birth Cards And You

Tarot Birth Cards And You by Bonnie CehovetTarot Birth Cards & You by Bonnie Cehovet

Schiffer Publishing LTD


Bonnie Cehovet is someone I know and adore. I want to be clear and upfront about that. I am fair when I review a book. I try to take personal admiration out of the formula. Sadly, that was nearly impossible with this book. I loved so very much about it that this will sound like a “BUY THIS BOOK NOW” review.

So if you want to cut to the chase, click hereย to buy this book now. ๐Ÿ™‚

Let me start with the cons.

Um. Okay! I have one. Every chapter uses the exact same words for the meditations and journeys.

Wait. That is a necessity since this book, by design, can be used just to read your personal information and worked with. Or you can use this book for your clients if you are a professional reader. Drat. That’s not a con.

The book design itself is gorgeous. There are nice touches like embellishments at each corner. It’s too pretty.

Not really. I’m just digging for anything con as opposed to all the pros I see in this book.

Okay fine. I’m skipping over to the pros.

Bonnie’s voice is very approachable. You feel as if you are sitting across a table from her listening to a fabulous workshop. The very best thing about this book is all the useable information. There is just not a lot of fluff in this book. Every word is geared toward helping the reader work with their two birth cards.

The system Bonnie uses is detailed in the beginning. You add up your birthday to get your birth pair. I am a 03/08/1961 baby.







I am a Wheel of Fortune/Magician. Oddly enough, so is my best friend and writing partner, Cai. Bonnie gives sample affirmations to use along with the admonition to do them morning and night for at least 21 days. Ms. Cehovet likes her sevens. Her journeys start with calling in the seven directions as well.

Wheel Gaian Tarot Magician Gaian Tarot

My Capricorn sister is Temperance and the Hierophant. So she’s all about balance and structure. Since she is a very successful businesswoman, that fits perfectly to me. She also has a WICKED sense of humor. R is often in the “taking care of business” mode when it comes to anyone in her family. I told her of a recent health crisis. She answered with love and then sent me a book. ๐Ÿ™‚

Temperance Gaian Tarot Teacher Gaian Tarot


One of the other pluses of this book are the quick reference guides and notes in the back.I was able to do my sister’s numbers then just flip to the back to find the page for the 14/5 combination. Again with the lovely attention to detail. Seriously, this book is like holding a piece of art in your hand. I really admire Schiffer’s attention to the small details like this.

If you are not familiar with Tarot, you can use this book and get a lot out of it. I found that even with my background in Tarot, I gained a lot for myself. Particularly in the area of how to incorporate this method into my readings for my clients.

I have not done the journeys for my birth cards yet, but I am going to tape them so that I can. I give this book a 9.5 out of ten. I took half a point because I couldn’t find anything really con about this book.


Okay FINE! 10 out of 10.

P.S. Stay tuned for an interview with Bonnie on Monday!

4 thoughts on “REVIEW: Tarot Birth Cards And You”

  1. Arwen, Totally agree. My review of this book went up on my blog on Thursday. It’s a wonderful book.

    Temperance/Hierophant here. I think I’m still looking for my balance and structure.

  2. Arwen –

    Many thanks for this lovely review! You got it all – including the “con” of the meditations and journeys being included in the same manner in each chapter. I worried about this, but decided this was the best way to do it, so … I did it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I hope that this book is helpful. ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. Karen –

    You need to reduce the number to under 21 (the Fool is not included in the Birth Cards). If your number is 23, then it would reduce to five. In this case, I might look at the 14/5 (Temperance/Hierophant) Birth Card pair.


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