This is an ongoing project that I started June 3, 2008. I pick it back up when I am moved to do so.
When last we left our Fool, he’d been shocked to his very core by the unending tragedy of the Tower. But instead of giving in to his fears, he remarked to his faithful little White dog,
“We have to go on. There must be something more. This can’t be it.”
And he set off down the path again. So determined was his heart that small puffs of dust leapt up every time his foot struck the ground. He dashed away an errant tear. His faith had been shaken by this journey. Never had the Magician told him it would be so hard to find his Will. But he had faced down Death, the Devil and even moved past the Tower. Surely he could face whatever else might be in front of him. He whistled to his dog who barked in response.
Together our young Fool and his little white dog ambled down the path. As the roar and rumble of the Tower faded into the distance, the Fool picked up his pace. The air felt mild against his skin. He could smell the perfume of unknown flowers on the breeze. Yes, things would be better once he found his Will and returned home. He sighed a bit. At his dog’s curious whimper, he smiled.
“I’m being myself, Dog. Foolish. Foolish to think of home this far on the journey. Surely they will have forgotten all about me. I guess I am all alone–except for you. And what if you abandon me as well? What will I do then? I will surely be the most alone that I have ever been.”
The thought overwhelmed him. Plopping down in the middle of the road, the Fool began to wail. Huge, fat tears smacked into the dry earth which soaked up the moisture almost immediately. His little dog leaned against him for a few minutes then pawed at him. When the Fool lifted his tear-stained face, he looked to where the dog was looking. A soft light seemed light up the trees just over the next hill.
Using the ends of his motley shirt, he wiped his face and blew his nose. It made him laugh when his little white dog jumped and barked at the sound. He pushed himself upright then dusted off his tights.
“Okay. Enough maudlin moping. Let’s go see what that light is, shall we?”
He took a deep breath as his dog raced ahead of him disappearing out of sight. The sky was darkening as the sun set but the misty glow just brightened as if it were a beacon calling him. Our foolish young fool found himself stumbling and running towards that light. Then he saw her.
She was as beautiful as the woman who owned the lion had been. She didn’t seem aware of him at first so he just stared. Her blonde hair gleamed. A single shining star hung over her head but he couldn’t be sure if the star reflected her hair or her hair reflected the star. She held clay jugs in both hands. One poured an unending stream of water back into the pool that she knelt at while the other poured out on the ground. It spread out into rivulets with one running back into the pond but another, he realized, had formed the small puddle he now stood in.
Just then, she lifted her head and smiled at him. “You seem sad, my foolish friend. Why is that?”
With that, the Fool just poured his heart out to this Star woman. He told her everything–his fears, his nightmares, his concerns that he might never find what he was looking for. The Star never interrupted. She waited until he was nearly panting with the exertion of emptying his bag of woe at her feet. He ended with a stuttering cry of “And I don’t know where my Will is that the Magician said I must find!”
“Come here, Foolish One.”
He hurried into the arms that she held out to him. Laying his head upon her breast, she soothed him by stroking his hair and murmuring. He wept in relief. He felt safe. Then she gently stood him away from her.
“You are not alone. You will never be alone. Remember that as long as you have hope, you can surmount any obstacle. I will give you this knowledge. The worst of your journey is over. You are nearly done. I will watch you from above. Know that I am always with you. You can also see me in the Hermit’s lantern if you look closely. I do not hae ”
She held him in place with a hand as she smiled lovingly at him. Then the star above her seemed to reach down as her hair lifted up. Slowly, she glided up into the star where she sat with one foot dangling down. As the star receded into the night sky, he heard her voice in his head.
“Always with you. Always. Keep hope strong.”
The Fool smiled as he waved to her. Looking for his little dog, he made a pillow out of his bag. “I think we should sleep for now, little dog. I think this was a very good meeting. Let’s make good use of this comfortable ground. When we wake up, we will see what is next. Just think! The Star lady said we are almost done.”
To be continued…
- A look back at where the Fool’s been
- Fool Meets The Magician(1) And The High Priestess(2)
- The Fool Meets the Empress(3) and the Emperor(4)
- The Fool Meets the Hierophant(5)
- The Fool Meets the Lovers(6) & The Chariot(7)
- The Fool Meets Strength(8)
- The Fool Meets the Hermit(9)
- The Fool Meets The Wheel Of Fortune(10)
- The Fool Meets Justice(11)
- The Fool Meets The Hanged Man(12)
- The Fool Meets Death(13)
- The Fool Meets Temperance(14)
- The Fool Meets The Devil(15)
- The Fool Meets The Tower(16)
Wonderful entry to the Fool’s Journey. I need to get back to mine, and hope to by the end of the month.
Look forward to further posts,