Winchester Mystery House: Monterey Trip pt 2

And after the whale watching trip, lunch…. I napped. Yes, I am the only one who successfully napped. Ok, passed the heck out because I’d been fighting the effects of the Dramamine. Happy?

We met Boovision, Goodboi, and AtomicZombie at the Cheesecake Factory. This place was CROWDED and we had an hour wait to be seated. So we did what any sensible people would do. We gathered at the bar. Beck kept us in stitches with her rendition of the Travel Channel’s truly awful cheesy Haunting program from the night before. A team did a live broadcast from the Winchester House. It featured such utter crap that we had turned it off. But we did get to see this idiotic British psychic (psychic my Great Aunt Fanny!) utter such memorable lines as “Are there any spirits here? Tap on the pipes if you are.” It was truly mindboggling as to how horrific it was.

Once we were seated, we ordered with an admonition to the wait that we were in a hurry! He got us our food in record time and we had a delicious meal! MMM! But didn’t have time to order cheesecake! Yes, it’s true! I finally went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and didn’t have any cheesecake. LOL

Then we left for the Winchester house which was right around the corner. Here is the group that went! Boo couldn’t join us so he’s not in this one.

From left to right: Goodboi, Angie, Goofy Bastard, Cai, Arwen, AtomicZombie aka Drew (this was not taken with Goofy’s new Nikon D40)

Our tour was number 27. The guide was interesting but didn’t wait for everyone to gather up in each spot so I missed some of the commentary. Here are some shots from that night.

This is a door. Do you see anything in it? This is not altered. Oh btw? Goofy took this with his brand new Nikon D40 (ya dirtballs! I’m just trying to give the boy credit!)

Here we have Goof and Drew clowning around being uber scary guys. Yeah, I know. :)(this was not taken with Goofy’s new Nikon D40)

And this one is the best of the weird shots. We got several with orbs as well, but this one… this one is downright freaky. The shot before and the shot after are perfectly clear. No clue what this was. This wastaken with Goofy’s new Nikon D40.

It should be noted that in every shot Goofy took in this house… and several of us looked through the lens to verify this… there was something in the frame to the left. Looked like a short person or a shoulder. There was NO ONE there though! This image never showed up on the pictures though. Who knows! Maybe it was Sara Winchester herself! She was only 4′ 10″.

Another entry on the trip down 17 Mile and Big Sur will be coming up!

Pacific Coast drive entry
Whale Watching entry

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