No literally! After having a spectacular fight with M because we were both totally frustrated with the PC’s, we made up and then went to a potluck at a club member’s house.
Did you know that the Yellow Eared Conure is nearly gone? What about the Kakapo? Is it important to you to preserve species who are dying because of humankind’s interference and growth?
It is to me. The Kakapo, in particular, is a fascinating creature. It is a flightless, nocturnal, parrot. Do a search… learn a little something you may not have known. Then educate someone else.
The YEC (Yellow Eared Conure) is down to about 82 birds. This is so sad to me. I have donated to this cause… only a small amount because that is what I can afford. But think if we each gave a small amount to a cause or causes we believed in…
The feeling you get is marvelous and you are doing a good thing.
I am also volunteering for the Colorado HIV walk. I can’t do the walk, but I can do some sit-down work for them!
Get up. Reach out. Make yourself feel good in some small way. $5 can make a difference.