
Life is so very good right now. I haven’t felt this at peace in such a long time. My connection with Deity has been so strong of late. The messages I am getting leave me calm and relaxed even in the face of storms. I realize that I can not save anyone and that some people were never worth saving in the first place. I have learned that my instincts are good still. It is when I don’t listen to those niggling doubts that things get bad. Smile. I can only do what I can do. The rest must take care of itself. Live is good indeed.

We have 5 new peeps now! I love seeing the baby birds grow. They go from such helpless balls of fluff to these amazing creatures who love their humans in the most amazing ways. We cut Mike’s mustache last night and Simon likes that alot better. No fuzzy things to poke him with. I am hoping that we get at least a few pieds out of the four older ones. The newest one is in a different nest box so should probably be pied or pearl since it is definitely not a white-face.

I just feel like dancing and singing today. Even the drive in was fast and good. Woke up next to my darling man and snuggled up against him to grab a few more minutes of snooze and a heaping helping of warmth from him. He has been having a rough time. I just try to be there and to love him. These are things he has to deal with and I know I can’t fix them. He sees stuff happening and recognizes it which is so incredibly healthy. I am amazed and proud of him. Growth is a bitch and yet he is managing it. Yep, life is very very good right now. Thank you to everyone who brings such joy into my life. I love each of you very much.

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