If you’ve been around Tarot more than a minute, you’ve heard the name Joanna Powell Colbert. An amazing artist, JPC keeps one of my favorite blogs. She doesn’t stick to just Tarot here because this blog is her Artist’s Journey.
Colbert shares her artwork—much of it from her deck in progress the Gaian Tarot. She also offers insight into her life. I always am so happy to see a (1) next to her blog on my Google Reader because that means I’m going to read or see something fabulous.
Recently JPC experimented with a music video. The results mesmerized me. You see many parts of the Gaian Tarot combined with a wonderful song. A bonus for me was not knowing the music. A drawback was needing to go find and buy that music. LOL
Originally I sought out her blog because of the artwork. Colbert is one of those artists who appeal to me because of the insightful way she portrays her message. A recent sharing was the Eight of Air which depicted a circle of people in council. I loved the idea that she didn’t automatically go with the “traditional” meaning of the 8 of Air and brought in her own vision.
Here is a snippet of what she said about the creation of that card:
They’re holding council. One man is talking while the others are actively listening. Perhaps they are planning a political action, remembering the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt the ability of a small group of concerned citizens to change the world.” Perhaps they are working to achieve consensus on an issue that is important to their bonds as a spiritual group. Maybe they are a peer counseling group. Or they could be participating in the deep transformation that can happen when we tell our authentic stories, and others listen deeply from their hearts.
Explore Colbert’s blog and find things like her Twittering (a new very popular way to send messages from your text phone or webpage to your blog). Or you may see yourself staring into the eyes of her cat sitting amidst fallen blossoms.
Whatever she blogs about, I know I will find joy there on some level. Even the entries that are simply a picture and a title—this, for me, is the artist freeing the viewer to go on a mini-trip. She doesn’t tell me what to see. Just a title and a vision of something—perhaps a lake with gorgeous flowers on the edge.
Colbert’s blog is one I will return to again and again. It brings me pleasure in such a profound way. I encourage you to drop by to see what is on JPC’s blog next. Another bonus is that she often comments back to her commenters making you feel like a part of her extended blog family. One of the nicest blogs I’ve found just for that welcoming atmosphere.
Visit Gaian Tarot Artist’s Journal today. I think you’ll be very glad you did.