Here’s another blog I like. Lupa is actually someone I know from ages ago when I lived in Atlanta. She is a fabulous reader and does readings in person as well as on line (just like me–grin). Her early blogging has some keeper pieces in it. Sadly the more recent ones are transcriptions of her weekly video chats.
Now don’t get me wrong! I love her weekly video chats and you can find me there when I have time. They are great fun and Lupa is a dear to offer all the free readings she does every week. It’s just that when you have such great early writing like the one from her April 27 post:
It isn’t just your specific beliefs about the cards or religion that will affect your message. Your understanding of life and the universe will come through so you will need to have some idea of what you believe before you can read effectively. Whether you put more stock in free will or fate that will come through. If you believe people are inherently good that assumption will be reflected in your readings. Any biases based on gender, sexuality, culture, religion will show up in the message you deliver. Doing some work to bring those things to a conscious level will improve your ability to give a good reading.
Well, I guess I just am a greedy Gertie and want more written like that. Now with all she does in her life I’m sure writing blog entries is not as high on her priority list. I do encourage you to go visit Lupa’s blog and check out her earlier posts.
I should mention that she is also a podcaster with several well done shows under her belt already. Because I am a reader and not a good listener, I prefer written, but she’s got a very clear and pleasant speaking voice.
So Lupa’s blog has enough variety for all–written, spoken and I wouldn’t doubt that soon she’ll offer video blogging!