The Hermit from Esscentual Alchemy. This is my third review of scents from this marvelous company.
First scent to me is a sharply sweet one. I want to say anise or hazelnut. Something a bit sweet with a bite. I have to say that I’m not fond of this one. It makes me want to go away.
Of course, that makes me laugh since this is the Hermit. One of the attributes of this card is chosen solitude.
On the skin it is muskier, heavier than it was in the bottle. And, strangely, it feels very tingly on my skin. Almost a light burn. I feel like my wrists are being opened up and energy is flowing fast and hot.
After it’s been on my wrists a while, I still feel the slight burn, but the lingering scent is a medium one. Some floral but more wood to me really. If I had to color this, I’d pick chestnut or sienna–just brown. But not a dull brown. No, a deep ruddy brown like a roan horse.
Wow. This one is so hard to peg. It is fading on me really really fast. But, oddly enough, the tingling isn’t. I swear it feels like someone has opened holes in me for air to rush through.
I want to experiment with this on my other chakras (Wrists have chakras in case you didn’t know) to see if I get this same feeling. But I will wait on that.
As much as I loved the other two, this one is not as high on my list. I wouldn’t wear it as a personal scent but I do think I would work with it as a companion to the Hermit card. Maybe on a weekend when I chose to go into seclusion and just work.
It definitely captures the Hermit’s solitude and seemingly prickly exterior for me.
This one was different wasn’t he. He wants to be left alone, t think and contemplate his belly button perhaps.
He has his place, for silent time with the card, not really a social scent.
Thank you for your wonderful words, Arwen.
I think you NAILED the Hermit. 🙂
just wanted you to know that I already had a sale from local lady, and she LOVES it! 😀 And she let her friend sniff it, and she wants some Hermit too!!!