Welcome to February 2011’s Tarotscopes podcast. We had a ton of Air and Earth this month–five each to be exact. Only two Major Arcana showed up. What did your sign get? Which Air court card failed to make an appearance? Come have a listen. Leave a comment if you want to chat about this month’s Tarotscopes. My new intro uses music by Slainte.
- This month’s cards:
- Aq 2 Air
- Pic Justice
- Ari 7 Earth
- Tau 5 Earth
- Gem 10 Earth
- Can Explorer Air
- Leo 4 Earth
- Vir Child of Air
- Lib Elder of Air
- Sco Gardener
- Sag Child of Earth
- Cap Ace of Air
Image used: Elder Of Air from the Gaian Tarot LE by Joanna Powell Colbert. Published Fall 2011 from Llewellyn Publishing.
ALERT: I will be redoing the 1st 4 minutes. Sorry Aquarians. It’s nearly impossible to hear your ‘scope. 🙁
Shelter issues, eh? Between the thaw, snow on the roof & rain up here, water just started leaking down the wall from the window in the front room of my apartment.
Oh no, Ruth! 🙁 That’s such a drag! Good luck!