And The Winner Is!

Thanks for stopping by yesterday! I took all the commenters names (sorry Joy, you were taken out–lol) and hopped over to where I put all 21 names into the list randomizer.

The winner is…. drum roll please!

Susan B.

And, because I love contests, the second person on the list Meljprincess also wins a free Tarot reading from me.

And because I really hate for people to go away empty-handed, everyone who commented (that includes you, Joy) can request a Celtic Cross reading from me for only $10 as long as you request it by no later than Sunday September 7, 2008. 🙂 To take advantage of this, just email me and put “Joy Nash Contest Offer” in the subject.

Susan B., can you email me your information? Thanks!

Author: TarotByArwen

Arwen is the professional Joy Seeker. Her true calling is as a Professional Joy Seeker. She co-creates solutions with her clients to help them find their joy again. "Seek joy, y'all" is her motto. Her decks include The Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, Bianca Niero Tarot, the Elle Qui Oracle, and the Field Guide to Garden Dragons (all published by U.S. Games INC.). She is the author of 33 Days to Finish Your Book.

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