Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* …

I love broccoli. I also love cheese. Rice is a staple in my home. Put those three together? HEAVEN! I often take a casserole to potlucks. This is one of my staples. I’ve associated it with the *insert evil music here* 10 of Wands. That’s the card of overdoing it and being overburdened mentally.  So why did I associate this yummy goodness with that card?

This casserole is a comfort food for me. It’s one of my go-to recipes for potlucks as well. Plus it’s super easy to make. For all those reasons, it’s a great 10 of Wands. When you feel like you can’t take on one more project then remember the association’s potluck the next day, you can throw this together without even thinking about it.

    10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole 

  • 1 big bag broccoli, chopped or florets
  • 2 cups uncooked rice
  • 1 can cream of mushroom soup
  • 1 box of Velveeta cheese (box. Lol. You know… just the big thing of Velveeta. You can use the off brand for this.)
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 C milk
  • 1 cup parmesan/Romano

You may want an aluminum roaster pan because this makes one ton of casserole. No, it does. Why would I exaggerate? EVIL!

  1. Cook 2 Cups of rice in 4 cups of water.
  2. Sauté onion in 2 tbs olive oil (you can use canola—shudder). Put broccoli in with onion and cover. Cook on low for about 5-8 minutes. You are just crisping the broccoli really.
  3. Melt cheese, soup in microwave for 3 minutes. Add milk and stir. You may need to nuke another 1-2 minutes.
  4. Put cooked rice in big-a$$ed pan.
  5. Add broccoli and onion (don’t drain…you need the moisture).
  6. Add the melted cheesy goodness. Pretend that Velveeta is good for you. No really. Pretend.
  7. Stir.
  8. Add parmesan/Romano.
  9. Stir.
  10. Put in oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes on a cookie sheet. Watch it! You want it slightly brown on the edges but brown all over is bad. And yucky. Like really yucky. No. Don’t ask me how I know. It’s not pretty. ?
  11. Take out of oven. Leave on cookie sheet. If you try to pick it up without the cookie sheet support, the joke’s on you. Don’t say that I didn’t warn you.

I don’t salt or pepper any of this but you can. If you are like that. You know…a recipe changer. EVIL!

And hey! Stop stressing out so much. It will all come together. The 10 of Wands self-sabotages by taking on so many things, he can’t do any of them well.

5 thoughts on “Tarot&Food: 10 of Wands Arwen’s BRC Casserole”

  1. This sounds yummy. Unfortunately, I’m the only one in the house that likes brocolli. I’ll have to figure out a way to reduce this and try it out.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

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