Rescue Me! Take Me In Your Arms!


And it’s official. I’m going to be adopting a 4 year old Basenji female named Nayru. I’ve signed the contract for her but don’t know when I’m picking her up yet. Maybe as soon as tomorrow.

In honor of Nayru, I’m going to do a Rescue Reading special. Here’s how this works. All readings will be discounted (see below). I will be earmarking a portion of it for Batman’s neutering. The rest will go towards keeping Nayru and Batman in dog toys (and being microchipped–both of them.)


So if you want to get a reading and you want to help out two beautiful rescue dogs, here’s how to do that.

Pick your reading from the spreads below. Click the “Contact Arwen” link at the bottom of this message. I will then send you an invoice from Paypal so you can take advantage of the discount.

This offer expires at midnight Friday October 22nd.

The pictures are not intentionally nearly identical. LOL I just realized that!

Ask The Universe Three
Sometimes no spread fits what you need. This spread lets you ask the questions. The Universe answers. You can ask up to three questions with this amazing, insightful reading. $10 (USD)[NORMALLY NOT OFFERED :)]

Ask The Universe Five
Sometimes no spread fits what you need. This spread lets you ask the questions. The Universe answers. You can ask up to five questions with this amazing, insightful reading. $20 (USD)[NORMALLY $25]

Life’s Path
Often I am asked “What does life have in store for me?” or “What am I supposed to be doing with my life?” or “I feel stuck right now. Am I on the right path?” These are questions many of us have even if we don’t ask them out loud. We wonder where we are going and if we really are supposed to get there.This spread is designed to give you the tools to determine your own unique place in the world. $35.00 (USD)[NORMALLY $45]

This hard-hitting spread was designed by me based on the seven chakras along with the hand and the feet chakras. Together we look at what is really going on. Choose this spread if you need to look at how your energy is being blocked. Learn how you can unblock yourself so you can reach your full potential. $25.00(USD)[NORMALLY $35]

Six Months
Each month ahead holds pitfalls and opportunities. Take a look at the next six months to determine what you need to be aware of. Think of this as the Tarot GPS for your life. It gives you a heads up for your near future. As always, you are in charge of your life. Nothing is set in stone. This is a road trip guide for the upcoming future. Your choices create your future. $50.00 (USD) [NORMALLY $65]

Torn Between Two Lovers
No need to feel like a fool! Let me help you decide between two possible partners. Explore their hopes and fears and how you interact with them. Each person will be highlighted in this intricate spread. Learn which one really is the right one for you. $35.00 (USD)[NORMALLY $50]

Relationship (monogamous)
What do you feel. What do they feel? Let’s take a look together to see what is working and what needs work. I welcome partners to do this together. We can all grow together. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of advice from the Universe to see which way to go for the best possible growth in your relationship? $25.00(USD)[NORMALLY $40]

What do you feel. What do they feel? Let’s take a look together to see what is working and what needs work. I welcome partners to do this together. We can all grow together. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of advice from the Universe to see which way to go for the best possible growth in your relationship? NOTE: This is for a triad. If your family is larger, let me know so I can adjust the price. $30.00 (USD) [NORMALLY $50]

NaNoWriMo WorkshopI’m going to extend the early bird special to October 20th (currently it ends on the 15th). If you want to take advantage of that (and if I have seats left), let me know. Check the workshop details out.

How do you get the reading? It’s easy. Email me telling me which reading you want and what the special price is. I will send you an invoice through PayPal. You have to pay for the reading by midnight Saturday October 23rd but it has to be ordered by midnight Friday October 22nd. Feel free to ask any questions!

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